Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

+44 1223 790975

Prevalence of low vision causes and its management in tertiary eye care center

17th Global Ophthalmology, Glaucoma and Optometry Conference

November 02-04, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand

Helly Shah and Komal Bhut

Nagar School of Optometry, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: Low vision aff ects >246 million people worldwide and over 54.5 million in India. Th e prevalence of low vision and its causes has been shown diff erent for diff erent cities, states, regions or places in many studies which cannot be comparable and even the management diff ers according to their low vision causes. Purpose of Study: To fi nd out the prevalence of low vision causes and its management in tertiary eye care center within Ahmedabad city to make the framework for low vision practitioner and managing in proper and lesser time while keeping in mind about low vision causes, category of visual loss and patient��?s needs and occupation. Methodology & Th eoretical Orientation: A cross-sectional, non-randomized study was performed by using convenience sampling method. Low vision subjects according to WHO working defi nition of low vision were included in the study. Patients who are totally blind or having no perception of light in both eyes, one-eyed patients and mentally retarded patients were excluded. Low vision causes, category of visual loss and low vision management for distance and near were assessed. Findings: Chorio-retinal coloboma (22.16%), retinal detachment (13.51%) and macular scar (12.97%) were found to be most common causes to develop low vision in this study. Whereas, according to WHO criterion for categorization of visual loss, central fi eld loss (63.78%) was found to be most common visual loss as compared to peripheral fi eld loss (26.49%) and overall blur (9.73%). Considering management point of view, 52.43% low vision patients were not accepted any low vision devices for distance and maximum patients were accepted near reading spectacle magnifi ers as a choice for their near tasks. Conclusion & Signifi cance: Low vision patients with varied causes will accept diff erent aids related to their conditions, occupation, needs and aff ordability. So, as an Optometrist, it is always helpful to remember fi ve factors in mind while accessing and managing low vision patients, i.e. social, fi nancial, economical, psychological and visual factors. Finally, by keeping all these factors in mind, management of low vision patients within proper time frame makes better intervention for them.

Biography :

Helly Shah has successfully completed her Master of Optometry and is an Academician, responsible for the development of academic research and clinical skills of the students. Her research interest is low vision, visual perception, behavioral optometry and cognitive neuroscience.
