ISSN: 2155-9600
+32 25889658
Wani Sarfaraz Hassan
Astana Medical University, Kazakhstan
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Nutr Food Sci
The obesity epidemic is occurring among boys and girls throughout the world among younger children and adolescents across all socioeconomic groups and among all racial and ethnic subpopulation. The rates of obesity among young children are alarmingly high or increasing faster than average. The children are at highest risk for obesity often experienced other social economic and health disparities concurrently and don’t live in an environment that inherently support health promoting behaviours. In addition although some of the risk factors of obesity our relatively ubiquitous in setting where children spend their time (for example communities schools shopping malls retail stores and home). The trends in childhood obesity its nutritional and other risk factors and treatment strategies particular emphasis is given to early-onset obesity in preschool children, which as precursor to later childhood and adult obesity, provides insights into that developmental origins of obesity and also offers the potential for early preventative approaches with large lasting benefits. Project healthy schools (PHS)-Begin educating students about the importance of healthy eating habits and physical activity. In addition, although students retain knowledge from the exposure. Jelena et al. conducted studies to determine the Body Mass Index(BMI) and body fat percentage (BF) relationship in healthy adolescents of ages. Moreover if parents enforce a healthier lifestyle at home money obesity problem could be avoided. What children learn at home about eating healthy, exercising and making the nutritional choices will eventually spill over into other aspects of life this will have biggest influence on the choices kids make when selecting foods to consume at school and fast food restaurants and choosing to be active. Focusing on this causes may overtime, decrease childhood obesity and lead to healthier society as a whole.