ISSN: 2155-9554
+44 1478 350008
Jack Sung
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Dermatol Res
Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) is a common disease affecting over 50% male population over 50 years old in the United Stats. The main molecular pathway has been accepted that 5-alpha reductase in the fast growing cells outside dermal papilla of hair follicle converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT then binds androgen receptor and the complex of which next binds DNA in cell nucleus, resulting in growth arrest of follicle cell and gradual decrease of protein synthesis. Such molecular pathway prevents vellus hair growing into terminal hair in the next shortened anagen phase. Cotsaralis and his team (2011) discovered that hair follicle stem cells resided at bulge area of follicle are the same in number in bald and in normal scalp of human samples. The difference is that due to some kind of abnormaility of stem cells, they fail to convert into progenetic cells. Earlier study suggested a common microinflammation and fibrosis in AGA resulted in fibrosis of outer root sheath fiber that activating growth factor signals were unable to trigger hair follicle stem cells that telogen follicle became unable to transform into next anagen phase. Tomita et al (2006) discovered that PDGF isoforms (AA & BB) induce and maintain anagen phase of murine follicle. Horsley et al (2011) advocates that PDGF is capable of inducing telogen follicles into anagen phase and the concentration of which is dose-dependent. Based on the above findings, we designed an advanced hair regrowth course with 3 major focus: 1. Activation of bulge Hair Follicle Stem Cells 2. Blockage of 5-alpha-refuctase pathway 3. Control of chronic micro inflammation and fibrosis We delivered PDGF(Platelet Derived Growth Factor) and VEGF(Vescular Endothelial Growth Factor) isolated from platelet after lyophilization, gamma radiation and then revitalization with normal saline solution. The delivery method evolved from micro-needling to needle free electroporation. Global images, and tricoscopy of each treatment are recorded for comparison and validation of course effectiveness. A hair growth course of 4 delivery is indicated for each patients on monthly basis subject to the final finding whether hair density reach 120 hairs per square centimeter. If not, additional delivery is indicated. Total new hair gain is calculated by new hair density multipling affected region during and at the end of the course.
Jack Sung has graduated from Chinese Culture University in 1982 at the age of 22. He has dedicated to medical device industry for more than years in product study, design, and marketing of biomaterial. He is the hair therapy instructor of Taiwan Society of Tricho logical and Anti-aging Medicine, and China Cosmetology and Hair Transplant Association.