ISSN: 0974-276X
P Kiran Sree
Accepted Abstracts: J Proteomics Bioinform
Genes carry the instructions for making proteins that are found in a cell as a specific sequence of nucleotides that are found in DNA molecules. But, the regions of these genes that code for proteins may occupy only a small region of the sequence. Identifying the coding regions play a vital role in understanding these genes. In this paper we propose Non Linear Cellular Automata based pattern classifier to identify the coding region of a DNA sequence. We propose a distinct K-Means algorithm added with Non Linear Cellular Automata for designing a simple, efficient and produces more accurate classifier than that has previously been obtained for a range of different sequence lengths. Experimental results confirm the scalability of the proposed Non Linear Cellular Automata based classifier to handle large volume of datasets irrespective of the number of classes, tuples and attributes.
P. Kiran Sree received his B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, from J.N.T.U and M.E in Computer Science & Engineering from Anna University. He is pursuing Ph.D in Computer Science from J.N.T.U, Hyderabad. His areas of interests include Cellular Automata, Parallel Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and Compiler Design. He was the reviewer for many International Journals and IEEE Society Conferences on Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing. He has 10+ years of experience in teaching to engineering students. He has published 20 technical papers international journals and ten in international conferences of repute. He was also named in many International Technical Committees. He was the Associate Editor for six international journals. He was also invited speaker and organizing chairman for special sessions in WSEAS international conferences. He is the member of C.S.I (India), ICST (Europe), IACSIT (Singapore) and IAENG (U.S.A). Some of his research paper?s abstracts were published in renowned Indian Science journal. He is also listed in ICGST and ACM. He is the Board of Studies member of Vikrama Sihapuri University. He is listed in Marquis Who?s Who in the World, 29th Edition (2012), USA under young and inspiring scientists. He is the recipient of Bharat Excellence Award from Dr GV Krishna Murthy, Former Election Commissioner of India.