ISSN: 2161-0487
+44 1478 350008
Jacqui Saradjian & Asad Ul Lah
Clinical and Forensic Psychologist,
1-2-3 Working Together, UK
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychol Psychother
Research indicates that at least 70% of offenders reach criteria for personality disorder other than antisocial. The focus of forensic psychology is on assessment and reduction of risk. To fully assess and reduce the risk an offender poses, the underlying drives to offend must be understood and addressed. To do this, an offender must be genuinely engaged however, it is notoriously difficult to fully engage and work therapeutically with offenders with a diagnosis of personality disorder. This workshop is presented by a consultant clinical and forensic psychologist with a long standing proven record of establishing and running a service for, and working therapeutically with, men with severe personality disorder with outstanding results in risk reduction (Saradjian et al, 2013). This workshop will be co-facilitated by an expert by experience who has in-depth with personal insights into the both the processes needed for effective engagement and change (Asad Ul Lah & Saradjian, 2016a and 2016b). Based on schema therapy, a highly accessible intervention which is gaining increasing evidence based for effectiveness with this client group, this interactive workshop will give useable strategies as to how to successfully engage offenders and the interventions needed to bring about real change and risk reduction. Importantly it will also explore a significant block to treatment and a possible reason why so many offenders drop out of interventions. This is a unique opportunity to have dialogue with an ex-offender who has completed the UK offender with personality disorder pathway from high security to the community and, having genuinely changed, is now able to articulate the process of that engagement and change and what had previously stopped him and his peers from genuinely engaging with psychological services, along with a highly-experienced therapist who has written and delivered these programs with outstanding results.
Jacqui Saradjian is a Consultant Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, formerly the Clinical Director of The Fens Offenders with Personality Disorder Pathway Service and who is currently working with adolescent offenders. She has worked effectively for over 25 years with offenders, creating program with a strong evidence base from which has had excellent outcomes. She has presented her work nationally in the UK and internationally in Europe, Canada and in the USA.