ISSN: 0974-276X
Subhra Chakraborty
National Institute of Plant Genome Research, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Proteomics Bioinform
Nutritional quality and agricultural productivity are the two key issues to the sustainable food production worldwide. While compositions of nutrients in the storage organs greatly influence the organ development and determine the nutritive quality, patho-stress is a major impediment during post-harvest storage and plant productivity. Nutrient and immune-response in plant are complex phenomena and the exact physiological relevance and functional modification caused as a result of nutrient and/or antinutrient accumulation and disease is poorly understood. Cellular response is modulated by cross-talks of diverse pathways mediated by many genes and proteins and understanding their language may uncover various signalling networks that control and regulate a multitude of biological and physiological processes. To better understand the regulatory networks and metabolic pathways involved in increased protein synthesis and reserve accumulation and decrease in anti-nutrient in plants, we have developed comparative proteomes of wild-type and genetically modified crops using Proteo-Metabolomics approach. Next to determine the cellular circuitry that operates in plant immunity during plant-fungal interaction, we have applied a system approach to analyze comparative organspecific transcriptome and sub-cellular proteomes in food crops. Network modeling based on our datasets illustrates immune responsive regulatory hubs and functional modules towards species-specific adaptation for cell survival, while the comparative analyses of tuber and fruit proteomes uncover potential regulators of nutrient response. These findings will not only impact plant biology, but in near future would be useful for identifying biomarkers, prioritize molecular targets and pathway bioengineering for hardier and nutrient rich crops.
Subhra Chakraborty has received her PhD training at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India and worked as Visiting Scientist at Yale University, USA. She is currently a Professor and one of the founding faculties at National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi, India. She has been instrumental in initiating and establishing Plant Proteomics and Translational Genomics research in India and contributed significantly in the basic and applied bio-technology research. She has several publications in internationally reputed journals, patents and awards. She has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of Frontiers in Plant Proteomics and as Reviewer to a number of national and international journals. She is a Fellow of National Academy of Sciences and National Agricultural Academy of Sciences, India. She is an Executive Council Member, Proteomics Society (India), Council Member & Country Representative for Asia Oceania Agricultural Proteomics Organization Member and International Plant Proteomics Organization. She has mentored several PhD and Postdoctoral students.