Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

+44 1223 790975

Recurrent corneal erosion: Conservative management on 22 patients, an observational study

6th International Conference & Expo on Euro Optometry and Vision Science

March 24-25, 2021 | Webinar

Sameena Anjum Sheriff

Advanced Centre For Daycare Surgery (ACDS), UAE

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

Purpose: To evaluate the Patient characteristics, risk factors and outcome of conservative management for recurrent erosions of the cornea. Methods: A retrospective study on 22 patients with recurrent corneal erosion (REC) treated at our ACDS center in Abu Dhabi UAE between January 2020 and February 2021 is presented. Results: Clinically confirmed recurrent erosions were identified in 24 eyes of 22 patients. There were 7 males and 15 females. Age ranged between 8 to 75 yrs. A history of trauma was present in 10 patients, 2 patients had epithelial basement membrane dystrophy (EBMD), 6 patients were post Lasik, 2 post cataract surgery and 2 were diabetic. 2 of the post Lasik group patients had bilateral REC. Conservative therapy was used as the primary treatment in all the patients. All patients were treated with topical lubricants, topical antibiotics, oral vitamin C. Bandage, contact lens were applied to 16 patients. 12 patients were treated with additional oral doxycycline,6 patients had lacrimal punctal plug implanted. All patients showed good healing response and pain relief with the initial conservative management. 12 patients had second recurrence months after showing good healing in the initial episode. 4 patients had multiple recurrences with non-healing erosions and were advised surgical options like epithelial debridement with anterior stromal micropunctures or Excimer laser phototherapeutic keratectomy. Conclusions: Our observation showed that the distribution of trauma and post-ocular surgery in patients with recurrent erosions of the cornea is roughly equivalent. Conservative therapy was effective in more than half of the patients. Those patients with history of surgery and trauma were more likely to have a recurrence after treatment. BCL was very effective in pain relief and early healing response. Conservative management with combination therapy can be the preferred choice of treatment in most patients. Key Words: Recurrent corneal erosions, Cornea, Epithelial basement membrane dystrophy, Trauma, Lasik, Bandage contact lens, Lacrimal punctal plug, Anterior corneal stromal micropuncture, Keratectomy Excimer laser. IOLS, keratoconus, wavefront optics, pterygium, and excimer laser ablation.
• Presented a Case report “Posterior capsule rupture following blunt trauma with paintball. How safe is paintball?” as a poster at European Society of Cataract and refractive surgeons, Athens, Greece 2016.
• Presented a Case report “A case of bilateral cornneal graft rejection. Is it the influence of one eye rejection on the other?” as a poster at European Society of Cataract and refractive surgeons, Istanbul, 2015.
• Presented paper titled “Evaluation of dry eyes in Diabetes Mellitus and its correlation with Diabetic Retinopathy”at 33rd Annual conference of ‘Research Society for the study of Diabetes in India’, held in Bangalore in Sep 2005, Awarded best paper presentation.
• Presented paper titled “Dry eyes in Diabetes Mellitus” at Karnataka State Ophthalmic 24th Annual Conference held in Bangalore in the year 2005.
• Presented paper titled “Ocular manifestations of leprosy” at CME organized by Damien Foundation India Trust. Awarded best paper presentation.
• Presented many papers locally on Dry eyes, Diabetic eye changes and refractive surgeries.

Biography :

Sameena Sheriff is a Cornea, Cataract & Refractive Surgeon. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow, UK. She has done her masters in ophthalmology from M.S.Ramaih Medical College, Bangalore and was awarded gold medal as the best outgoing post-graduate student. Sheriff has been practicing ophthalmology for more than 12+yrs. She has extensive experience in the field of Cornea, Advanced cataract surgery and Refractive procedures. She also has vast experience managing ocular trauma and has performed many anterior segment repair surgeries.
She is an avid academician and has presented scientific papers and posters at national and international ophthalmic meetings. Her areas of interest are corneal surface disorders, multifocal and toric
