Journal of Glycobiology

Journal of Glycobiology
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-958X

+44 1478 350008

Remarkable properties of human milk oligosaccharides - What can we learn from Mother Nature?

2nd Glycobiology World Congress

August 29-31, 2016 Atlanta, USA

Christoph H Rohrig

Glycom A/S, Denmark

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Glycobiol

Abstract :

Human milk is a highly complex liquid containing thousands of biomolecules. It serves as the sole nutrition for the fast growing and vulnerable infant and has evolved under a trade-off optimization process between mother and child. The success of this evolutionary process is demonstrated by a large number of studies that show that breast-fed infants have a range of health benefits compared to formula-fed infants. Several of these benefits are assumed to be mediated through the effects of the breastmilk glycans on the commensal gut microbial flora of a healthy infant. The free human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) fraction is the third largest component of human milk (after lactose and lipids) and is highly complex in its composition. To date, infant formula is not supplemented with glycans that are identical to the naturally occurring HMOs and much work has taken place to develop functional mimics. However, regrettably many efforts have been primarily cost-driven and ignored much of the valuable lessons that evolutionary biology has to teach us if we look into details of glycan structure-activity-relationship and consider species-specific differences in milk oligosaccharide composition. Glycom is committed to make human-identical milk oligosaccharides available for food applications, particularly infant formula. The technological challenges to achieve this are huge and dictate a step-wise approach, where the most significant individual components are developed and added to infant formula first. To date, this has been successfully achieved for two important HMOs where robust production technologies have been developed and first clinical results have become available.

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