Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering

Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9792


Results of computer simulating the lunar physical liberation for lunar polar telescope

International Conference and Exhibition on Satellite

August 17-19, 2015 Houston, USA

Natalia Petrova

Kazan Federal University, Russia

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng

Abstract :

The study of lunar rotation (physical libration) gives reach information about the lunar interior because of this the space experiments to pose on the lunar polar zone a small optical telescope are planned in Russia and in Japan. The purpose of the experiment was to detect the lunar physical liberation with millisecond accuracy. Computer simulation of these future observations is being done with the purpose of optimizing the observations of effective placement of measuring system on the lunar surface and testing of sensitivity of new observations to various features of the lunar interior structure. The software for the selection of stars and reduction of their coordination onto the period of observations was developed at the simulation, the tracks for the selected stars are constructed and analyzed and their sensitivity to the internal characteristics of the lunar body, in the first place, to the seleno-potential coefficients, was tested. Inverse problem of lunar physical liberation was formulated and solved. It was shown that seleno-graphic coordinates of polar stars were insensitive to longitudinal liberations Ï?(t). Comparing coordinates calculated for two models were a rigid and deformable moon which is carried out and the components sensitive to love number K2 were revealed. Analytical theory of physical liberation was a very convenient tool for modeling the upcoming observations.

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