Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

+44 1223 790975

Results of the treatment of the active stage of retinopathy of prematurity in the regional children’s ophthalmological center ‘Bonum’ in Ekaterinburg during the year 2015-2017

4th Global Pediatric Ophthalmology Congress

March 07-08, 2019 | Berlin, Germany

Mikhail Kariakin, Stepanova E A and Elkin I O

Ural State children`s ophthalmological center, Russia
Ural State Medical University, Russia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

Population in Sverdlovsk region is around 43,00,000 people. And here more than 55,000 babies are born every year, of which about 7.5% are premature. The development of nursing technologies for very premature infants leads to an annual increase in the number of surviving premature infants with low and extremely low body weight (<1000 g); these children are at risk of developing severe forms of ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). The main goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment of patients with an active ROP stage who received laser and vitreoretinal surgical treatment at the regional children's ophthalmological center �??Bonum�?? in Yekaterinburg during the period 2015-2017. In that period, 4214 premature babies turned to the center �??Bonum�??. 1620 (38.2%) of them have different stages of ROP. 1331 patients (82.2%) have stage I-II, 273 (16.9%) - stage III and 16 patients (1.0%) have stage IVV. Panretinal laser coagulation of the avascular zones of the retina was performed in 174 patients (325 eyes) with severe stages of ROP, the effectiveness was 81.3%. Vitreoretinal surgical interventions were performed in 35 patients (58 eyes), efficiency �?? 65,7%. Surgical treatment at stage IV ROP was performed in 31 patients (88.6% of those who needed surgical treatment) on 48 eyes (84.2%, respectively). In 12 patients (34.3%) the disease was in AP-ROP (aggressive posterior ROP). The effectiveness of the surgical treatment was 47.9%. 174 patients with severe stages of ROP were treated (4.1% of all premature babies in the region) in the Sverdlovsk region during 2015-2017. The effectiveness of laser treatment was 84.6%. The effectiveness of vitreoretinal surgery was 65.7%. The development of total blindness was prevented in 161 patients (92.5%) who underwent laser and surgical vitreoretinal treatment at the medical center �??Bonum�??. Visional disability due to the development of the left ventricle was established for 25 children (1.5% of children with ROP).

Biography :

Mikhail Kariakin, pediatric ophthalmologist, PhD, I work at Regional children's ophthalmological center "Bonum", Yekaterinbur. I`m a vitreoretinal and cataract surgant. I`m interest in ROP, congenital cataract, congenital glaucoma.
