Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

+44 1223 790975

Rigid gas permeable contact lens as a visual sparing tool in children after traumatic corneal laceration

17th Global Ophthalmology, Glaucoma and Optometry Conference

November 02-04, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand

Rabab El Seht

Tanta University, Egypt

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

Introduction & Aim: Children aft er traumatic corneal lacerations, suff ering from irregular corneal astigmatism, spectacle best-corrected (SVA) of less than 20/20 and unilateral amblyopia in children with BCVA less than 20/40. Th e purpose of this study was an objective evaluation of the clinical value of Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses (RGPCLs) by investigating the cornea profi le, optical defects and the simulated vision functions by using the Sirius topographer. Methodology & Th eoretical Orientation: A comparative study of visual acuity correction and improvement of visual disorders as corneal aberrations as (HOAs, LOAs, PSF and with and without RGPCLs fi tting in 15 children with history corneal scars aft er trauma or irregular corneal incision aft er cataract extraction operation. We compared the UCVA, Spectacle (VA) and the BCVA post while fi tting RGPCLs. We used the Sirius topographer (CSO) for evaluation of aberrometric corneal analysis pre- and while fi tting RGPCLs. Findings: Our study included fi ft een children were fi tting RGPCLs for 6 months under specifi c study wear regimen. Th eir age range was from 5-9 years with mean 7.2�?±1.1 SD. Th ere was a signifi cant improvement in the best corrected visual acuity and keratometric astigmatism while wearing RGPLCs (P=0.001). Th ere was also a signifi cant improvement in corneal aberrations as; HOAs (P=0.008), LOAs, RMS & PSF (P=0.001). Conclusion & Signifi cance: Th e optical performance of RGP contact lens has been demonstrated to be an eff ective tool of visual rehabilitation in children with traumatic corneal lacerations. Th e corneal topography was an objective tool for detecting the optical disorders other than subjective tests of visual acuity assessment.

Biography :

Dr.Rabab Mohamed Elseht, Assistant professor of ophthalmology, M.D ophthalmology, 2005", Tanta University, Egypt.  The sub-specialty is pediatric ophthalmology, pediatric cataract surgery and orthoptic therapy" Faculty of medicine, Tanta University, Egypt". Assistant professor in ophthalmology department (10 august at 2011 till now), Tanta University Hospital, Egypt.
Instructor in: Special courses in pediatric cataract surgery at Tanta university conference at 2010. Ultrasound Bio-microscopy (UBM) courses at Tanta university 2011 , 2013 , 2015 and 2016. Principal investigator in a project for early diagnosis and treatment of congenital ocular anomalies. Visual screening programs of school children. Improving the techniques and the end result outcome of congenital & traumatic  cataract surgery and amblyotherapy in children.
