ISSN: 2155-9600
+32 25889658
Sreelakshmi. K. S
Kerala University of Health Sciences, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutr Food Sci
Viruddha ahara or incompatible food is a unique concept in Ayurveda, mentioned in Charaka samhita.Food (Ahara), Sleep (Nidra), Celibacy (Bhramacharya) are known as the three basic pillars of life (Traya upasthambhas) in Ayurveda. Any change in equilibrium between these 3 pillars causes diseases. Among these Food yield prime importance in maintaining health. Food if used properly act as medicine (Bheshaja). When an individual consumes food in wrong combinations, wrong processing, incorrect cooking methods , and in wrong seasons is known as Viruddha ahara or incompatible food. Ayurveda describes 18 types of incompatible foods. They are Desa viruddha, virya viruddha, kala viruddha, samskara virudha, samyoga viruddha and so on. Continuous use of this Viruddha ahara cause the accumulation of undigested food inside the stomach and interrupts the metabolism of tissue. Therefore it leads into a new path to formation of several diseases. The effects of incompatible foods may be acute (Aashukari) or chronic (Chirakari). Fainting, abdominal distention, anemia, diarrhea, skin diseases, gastritis and fever may be seen as acute manifestation while impotency, insanity, fistula in ano, infertility, diabetes and obesity are chronic manifestation of Viruddha-Ahara. In Ayurveda, heating honey is comes under samskara viruddha (food processed in wrong manner).The studies have shown that Heating honey for long periods of time (more than 40°C) will increase the production of a toxic substance called 5-hydroxymethylfurfural(HMF) and it's antioxidant activity leads to several diseases even the death. Conclusion: Most of the diseases which developed in this modern era are arises from the inappropriate use of food and can be prevent by taking care of different aspects of incompatible food. Let's remeber the tenet by Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.
Sreelakshmi.K.S is an Ayurvedic physcian. Now persuing 3rd year MD in Kayachikitsa (General physcian) in Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, kerala, India. She has completed BAMS at the age of 24 years in Kerala University of Health Sciences. She is also has 4 years of clinical practical experience after BAMS. She is under the guidance of Dr. P. Gourisankar who is HOD of the department. She won Ashtavaidyan E. T Neelakandan Moos Gold medal Award 2012 for the first rank in the Sanskrit subject during her BAMS course.