Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9600

+32 25889658

Root cause of nutritional status of mothers during pregnancy in Pakistan

17th International Conference on Food & Nutrition

May 22-24, 2017 Las Vegas, USA

Iqra Yasmin, Muhammad Saeed, Imran Pasha and Fiza Waheed

University of Agriculture, Pakistan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Nutr Food Sci

Abstract :

Malnutrition is major problem in Pakistan. Pakistani population is suffering from various nutritional deficiencies including both macro and micro nutrients. According to nation nutritional survey 2011, 58% population is food insecure due to high prices of food, low purchasing power and poverty. 14.1% mothers are underweight from which 16.4% belongs to rural areas and 9.0% to urban areas. Micronutrient deficiencies also exist in pregnant women. 51% pregnant women are anemic, 37% are iron deficient, 46% are vitamin A deficient, 47.6% are zinc deficient and 68.9% are vitamin D deficient. Moreover, 63.5% mothers breastfeed her child only for 0-6 months. Due to above mentioned causes, we have to face horrible malnutrition (under nutrition) situation in children of Pakistan. In children along with micro, macro nutrient deficiencies also prevail. Due to protein-energy malnutrition 31.5% children are underweight, 15.1% are wasted and the percentage of stunted children is 43.7. Micronutrient deficiencies in children also represent a sorrowful situation. 61.9% children in Pakistan are anemic, 54% vitamin A deficient, 39.2% are zinc deficient and 40% are vitamin D deficient. Infants��? nutrients need is fulfilled by their mother��?s body stores, but when mother is malnourished, her child cannot be healthier. In urban areas, 48.4% women are overweight and in rural areas this percentage is 27.4. Due to being overweight pregnant women have to face situation like gestational diabetes, chronic hypertension and intrauterine death which also affect children health status and it is the other aspect of malnutrition (over nutrition).

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