Medical & Surgical Urology

Medical & Surgical Urology
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9857


Satisfaction and quality of life in patients who underwent post massive weight loss body contouring procedures: A tertiary center experience in Bahrain

2nd Annual Conference on Surgery

September 16, 2024 | Paris France

Mohamed E Shehab

Salmaniya Medical Complex, Bahrain

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Med Surg Urol

Abstract :

Background: Incidence of body contouring surgeries (BCS) rose significantly to overcome sequela of redundant skin resulted from post-Bariatric Surgery (BS). Bahrain has one of the highest rates of overweight and obesity in the Arabian Gulf region. Obesity is a well-known risk factor for developing serious chronic diseases. Various types of BCS post-BS gained popularity due to its promising results and improving QOL. This study is the first study in Bahrain to evaluate the QoL and various aspects of satisfactions in patients who underwent BC post BS. Materials and Methods: We used a questionnaire to asses the quality of life (QOL) and satisfaction level in patients who underwent BCS post-BS in Plastic Surgery Department, Salmaniya Medical Complex, Bahrain, in 2017-2018, This is a retrospective and prospective study conducted between 2017-2018 in Salmaniya Medical Complex, Bahrain. Detailed demographic data, complications associated with BS and type of BCS surgery done were recorded. Patients’ QOL and satisfaction in those underwent BCS post-BS was evaluated.Results: Of 929 plastic surgery admissions, 58 patients underwent 82 body contouring surgeries (BCS) post-bariatric surgery. Abdominoplasty was the most common, followed by breast surgeries. Wound complications, such as dehiscence, infection, and necrosis, were most frequent. Older, employed, and female patients reported higher satisfaction, quality of life, and self-confidence, while those who had surgeries other than abdominoplasty and breast surgeries showed better physical activity. Of 316 patients admitted for body contouring surgery (BCS), 58 (28%) had a history of bariatric surgery, with the majority being female (72.4%) and overweight (44.8%). The mean age was 37.4 years, and the median pre-BCS BMI was 26.9 kg/m². Abdominoplasty was the most common procedure (50.6%) in both groups. Wound complications were the most frequent post-op issue in the bariatric surgery group (17.1%). Most patients rated their experience positively, with 54.9% rating satisfaction as excellent. Older patients had better satisfaction, while those who underwent abdominoplasty or breast surgeries had lower physical activity. Conclusion: Patients who underwent BCS post-BS were mainly females, nationals, young and overweight. Wound problems were the most common postoperative complications reported. Extensive percentages of patients had a better QOL post-BCS and an excellent overall satisfaction. These findings could be affected by age, sex, and occupation. Among the population of Bahrain, this is the first study tackling QOL and satisfaction in patients underwent BCS post-BS.

Biography :

Mohamed E. Shehab, MB BCH BAO CABS is a specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Salmaniya Medical Complex in Bahrain. His expertise focuses on body contouring procedures for patients following massive weight loss, with particular attention to patient satisfaction and quality of life outcomes. Drawing from his experience at a leading tertiary care center, Dr. Shehab has contributed valuable insights into post-surgical recovery and long-term patient well-being. His research and clinical work aim to enhance both the physical and psychological results of body contouring procedures in patients recovering from significant weight loss.
