Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy

Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0487

+44 1478 350008

School-based consultation and adolescents discipline

3rd International Conference on Clinical and Counseling Psychology

August 20-21, 2018 Singapore

Hu Chie Fung

University Selangor, Malaysia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychol Psychother

Abstract :

The stage of adolescence is the most difficult stage throughout the life cycle. It is a period of great emotional stress and a stressful developmental stage. Most of the adolescents cause problems in the family, school and community. Discipline plays important role in the formation of adolescent�??s character and personality. The misbehavior may lead to risk factor for later criminal behavior and social illness. The researcher attends the study on school-based consultation to help the discipline of the adolescent. The subjects are the early adolescence (ages 13-15) in Selangor. The researcher needs to find out to what extent the triadic relationship of school-based consultation (based on developmental, family, social and self-context) can help in transfer of knowledge in discipline of the adolescent. The school counselor acts as a consultant collaborating with the parents or teachers as consultee to brainstorming the alternatives and effective strategies to help the adolescent as client. The researcher also uses Three One-Treatment Condition Experimental Designs to analysis the significant of school-based consultation in different contexts to help the discipline of adolescent. The researcher uses Student Evaluation Questionnaire for pretest and designed consultation questionnaire for posttest. The data analyses show that this research is significant because it provides the guideline of a counselor at a home and may extent to adult education and a consultant at a community.

Biography :

Hu Chie Fung has graduated from Sarawak Teacher College and appointed as a Senior Assistant of a primary school for a number of years. She has graduated at University Malaya for Bachelor of Linguistic in Education and later graduated Bachelor of Guidance and Counseling in Education at University Putra Malaysia. She has completed her Master of Information Technology degree at Open University Malaysia. She is currently pursuing PhD at University Selangor, Malaysia. She has been Educator for more than 26 years, a Registered Counselor in Secondary School and is also a motivation speaker to serve the adults and children of Malaysia.


