ISSN: 2161-0487
+44 1478 350008
Girija Sivakumar
Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychol Psychother
Statement of the Problem: Medical education in India is reported to be declining in its quality since 1990 as a result of which a number of medical education activities have been initiated by medical council of India in the forms of revising the curriculum, implementing new medical education technology programs, workshops to improve quality of medical teachers etc. Medical education in India is been a made as gambling for few decades since 1990�s and lost its quality in selection process after 80�s. Objectives: The objectives are to find out the personality traits of the participants, to categorize the participants based on the percentile scores and to classify the personality traits of the participants. Methodology: 1st year medical and dental students were subjected to carry out the study. Goldberg�s personality scale of 5 big factor models containing 50 item questionnaires was used to administer on the participants to screen out the personality traits of the individual. Institutional ethical clearance was obtained first. Students of first year medical and dental courses were sensitized about the project and consent was received from them. The questionnaire was administered through online. The link was provided to the students and was given 30 minutes time to complete the questionnaire. The final score sheets were received from the students through WhatsApp mobile application. The results were maintained confidential. Results were tabulated, analyzed and discussed. Results: Final score sheets were tabulated under 5 personality traits which are considered to be the basic traits of a person. The five big factors are: Extroversion, neuroticism, emotional stability, intellect and agreeableness. Participants were classified under these 5 big factors of personality characters and were discussed. Conclusion: The students of first year, irrespective of the background and reason they entered the profession, most often they found to fall under various psychological disturbances. Many a times these psychological disturbances lead to fatal like committing suicide, self-hurting, quitting the course and so on. In order to screen the students in the first year itself to identify the negative characters, psychological counseling is utmost important. From the above study, it is concluded that the screening of students based on personality traits will majorly help the students� counselor to screen the students and to process the counseling procedure according to the personality traits of the individual. References 1.Eva E O, Islam M Z, Mosaddek A S, Rahman M F, Rozario R J, Iftekhar A F, Ahmed T S, Jahan I, Abubakar A R, Dali W P, Razzaque M S, Habib R B, Haque M (2015) Prevalence of stress among medical students: a comparative study between public and private medical schools in Bangladesh. BMC Res Notes; 8: 327. 2.Goldberg L R (1992) The development of markers for the Big-Five factor structure. Psychological Assessment; 4: 26-42. 3.Marie Dahlin, Nils Joneborg, Bo Runeson (2005) Stress and depression among medical students: A cross-sectional study. Medical Education; 6: 594-604. 4.Sheela Sivan, Pramod Rangasubhe (2013) Prevalence of Stress and its associated factors. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences; 48: 9386-94. 5.Kallingappa, Prasad Budri, Sindhuja Asokan (2014) Psychosocial perspective of first year medical students entered in a professional course - a cross sectional study from Davangere, Karnataka. Medical Science; 110-116.
Girija Sivakumar is currently working as a Professor of Anatomy in Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, India. She has much interest and passion towards medical education and research. She is a Student Counselor and has done her Postgraduate course in Counseling Psychology. She is working in the field of medical education and research since 2009 and has carried out many research projects on various aspects of improving quality of skills training in medical education