ISSN: 2167-0412
+44 1300 500008
Tamika Moseley
Healing Blends Global, USA
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Med Aromat Plants
Sickle cell disease is a fatal blood disease that affects millions of people around the world globally. My journey started in 2008 when my son was born with SS disease and in 2009 he was hospitalized every 3 months with crisis and he also received 2 blood transfusions that same year. After the second blood transfusion, I knew I had to make a change or the hospital would have become our second home. I have the trait (AS) and many people believe one cannot have complications from having the trait, but after delivering my third child in 2010, one week later I had a crisis in both arms and both legs, which led to congested heart failure, fluid around the heart and lungs, pneumonia, lung infection, blood transfusion, high blood pressure. I was on oxygen and in ICU for a week. Doctors couldnâ??t explain what was going on, but they finally said because of sickle cell trait and being pregnant it led to many other complications. Of course, I made it through and after enduring watching my son in pain in 2009 and after watching myself near death, I decided to make a drastic change. The first thing I changed was the foods we eat. We started eating more plant based foods such as fruits, vegetables, lentils, beans, grains and nuts. Then, I started doing extensive research on herbs. Herbs have been around since the beginning of time and are so good for so many things such as cooking and treating disease, sickness and illnesses. I started treating my son in 2010 with herbs that helps the body naturally produce red blood cells, increases oxygen and raises hemoglobin and 4 years later he has not had a sickle cell crisis. I was so amazed, excited and inspired by this, I decided to write a book called â??Sickle Cell Natural Healingâ? to tell the world of my journey and also to be an inspiration to others who are afflicted by this debilitating disease. I have partnered with a homeopathic doctor in Florida, Dr Charlie Ware and we are on a mission to improve the quality of life, individuals and communities who are suffering from sickle cell. Dr Ware created a herb that helps minimize and manage sickle cell crisis. We managed to have an observational study conducted in Cameroon Africa in 7 different hospitals in 2013. The results showed 85% of patients improved, patients that took â??Even Floâ?? during the study physical state and energy improved, improvement of the color of their eyes, they gained back their appetite and the crisis was absent while taking this herb. I would love the opportunity to be a speaker at this wonderful event and share my story to others. We need to start educating ourselves on other alternative methods and to break the pain cycle.