ISSN: 2168-9792
Kent Miller
Air Force Office of Scientific Research, USA
Keynote: J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng
International cooperation in space research and in space education is the source of opportunities that are of mutual benefit internationally. We describe opportunities for the United States military to promote international cooperation in research and to cooperatively offer graduate space education to overseas partner nations. The mission of the International Office of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) includes bridging and building mutually beneficial relationships between scientists overseas and scientists in the United States that will result in the acceleration of S&T achievement. Program officers at AFOSR discover, shape, and champion basic science that profoundly impacts the future US Air Force. In doing so, they also impact civilian science. International program officers have the additional responsibility of acting as liaison officers for all programs of the Air Force Research Laboratory to the international science community. Space technology research seeks new concepts for space instrumentation. Research related to space situational awareness seeks better understanding of astrodynamics and of the observation and tracking of space objects. Space weather research is focused on the understanding of the space environment with a goal to enable and extend operational forecasting. The AFOSR and the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) have teamed to sponsor newly developed space education programs offered by faculty from the United States Naval Postgraduate Schoolâ??s Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science and AFITâ??s School of Strategic Force Studies. An initial â??Introductory Spaceâ? course has been taught in Santiago, Chile; while both Columbia and Brazil have expressed interest to be the next participants. The introductory course allows the students to ascertain their readiness to study at the graduate-level. Success at the introductory course permits the students to proceed into a graduate certificate, followed by a masterâ??s degree using distance learning technologies.
Kent Miller is an International Program Officer at Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). He completed his BS in Physics at Utah State University and MS and PhD in Physics at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His doctoral dissertation examined small-scale ionospheric structures using data from sounding rockets and incoherent scatter radar. He was a Research Physicist at Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory and a Research Professor at Utah State University. He was Advisor to the “Get-Away-Special” program at Utah State and the University Nanosatellite Program at AFOSR. He joined AFOSR in 1996 and has been the Program Officer for Space Science and SSA in the Arlington office and at EOARD in London. He is a Senior Executive Fellow of the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and a Fellow of Air Force Research Laboratory.