SPOLER (spoon cooler) as the business innovation of preventive sp | 45287
Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene

Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene
Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2059

+44 1478 350008

SPOLER (spoon cooler) as the business innovation of preventive spoon to reduce poison intake to body due to blowing food

Joint Event on International Conference on Food Safety and Health and 11th World Congress on Food Chemistry and Food Microbiology

August 30-31, 2018 Dubai, UAE

Sitti Andriani Anwar, Dinda Tri Lestari, Qolbi Khaerun Nisa, Suhandi and Ayu Auralia Safira

Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Food Microbiol Saf Hyg

Abstract :

One of economic movement development in Indonesia is the industry through the form of culinary business such as restaurant and cafe business that serves food and beverages to fulfill community�??s consumption. However, based on observations that have been made and experience while consuming food or drink that is still hot either in the restaurant even at home. People tend to blow the food and drink before put into the mouth, whereas in terms of health there is a prohibition of breathing or blowing in the glass when breathing that will emit carbon dioxide gas. Therefore, by made a breakthrough by modifying existing tools become more useful and innovative form of product tools SPOLER (Spoon Cooler). The results of the demonstration of our cooling ladle tool compared with the usual spoon show. Within 5 minutes, we provide two glasses of hot water with the same temperature of 72.3 degrees Celsius. One glass of hot water is given a cooling spoon and changed its temperature to 55.2 degrees Celsius while the other hot water glass is not given a cooling spoon so the temperature only becomes 60.2 degrees Celsius. This business opportunity can promise also has a high competitiveness, in addition to being innovative, because spoon eating is also a tool that is absolutely used by all circles both children, adolescents, the elderly and the elderly while eating, especially when enjoying a hot food or drink.

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