ISSN: 2167-0501
Deepa Verma and Meenakshi Vaidya
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Biochem & Pharmacol
Ayurveda, the ancient system of Indian medicine has gained worldwide attention due to its safety and efficacy. With the growing need for safer drugs, attention has been focused towards the quality and standard of ayurvedic formulations. With increasing side effects of pharmaceutical drugs used for cough; like drossiness, immunosuppressive and multi drug resistant microbes, there is a need for a sustainable alternative medication which can be easily administered and portable. Medicines prepared in the form of tablets or pills are known as vati and gutika. These are made of one or more drugs of plant, animal or mineral origin. For this research project, a gutika preparation viz. Eladi gutika was selected. This preparation is official in ayurvedic formulary of India and is prescribed for the treatment of dry cough and throat infections. It contains ela, patra, tvak, pippali, sita, madhuka, khajura, mradvika, and madhu. To this formulation, two more ingredients were added i.e Syzygium aromaticum and Zingiber officinale and a comparision of four polyherbal formulations was carried out by antimicrobial activity compared to market standard i.e., Eladi gutika. The best formulation out of the four was subjected to standardization which includes organoleptic evaluation, microscopy and physico chemical evaluation, qualitative chemical evaluation-phytochemical screening, chromatographic evaluation-thin layer chromatography and high performance thin layer chromatography. In the present study, it was found that the formulation prepared in the laboratory (sample 3) was found to be more effective compared to sample 1, 2, 4 and marketed standard (Eladi gutika) on the basis of standardized tests conducted on them.