Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access

Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0501


Standardization of Unani formulation with reference to Jawarish-e-Ood Kibreet

International Conference on Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry & Natural Products

October 21-23, 2013 Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Hyderabad, India

Shamsul Arfin, Rampratap Meena, Ramasamy D, Mageswari S, Meera Devi Sri P and Aminuddin

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Biochem & Pharmacol

Abstract :

Herbal products have become a major part in curing the different kinds of human ailments. In India the Unani system of medicine consists of large number of herbal products to cure the different type of diseases. Jawarish-e-Ood Kibreet is a Unani herbal formulation prepared in combination of ingredients like Ood, Dana-e-Heel Khurd, Dana Heel Kalan, Sazaj Hindi, Post-e-Turanj, Tabasheer, Nana Khushk, Darchini, Gul-e-Surkh, Zarambad, Qaranful, Jauzbuwa, Bisbasa, Nabat Safaid and Arq- e-Kibreet. It is prescribed in the treatment of zof-e-meda (weakness of the stomach) and zof-e-ishteha (anorexia) disorders by the Unani physicians. Standardization of herbal medicines is a fundamental requirement of the research organizations. However, the herbal medicaments are suffering from lack of standardization parameters such as pharmacognostical, physico-chemical, WHO and proper documentation. Based on the available sources an attempt has been made to standardize the drug Jawarish-e-Ood Kibreet. To standardize the drug the parameters like macroscopic, microscopic, determination of moisture content, ash values, bulk density, pH values, extractive values, TLC and analysis of quality control parameters viz. heavy metals, microbial content, aflatoxins and pesticide residues were performed. The evaluated data will help to lay down pharmacopoeial standards for the drug Jawarish-e-Ood Kibreet and also in producing quality and efficacious products having batch to batch consistency.
