ISSN: 2155-9600
+32 25889658
Mihaela Pricop-Jeckstadt
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutr Food Sci
In this talk we present several statistical approaches applied until now in the study ofthe gut microbiome-diet association and deploy them to analyze the PopGen cohort (see(1)). Taxa abundances and phylogenetic tree deduced out of the microbial metagenomicsdata are used to characterize the microbiome diversity, while nutritional data consists of thehabitual dietary intake. High-dimensionality, sparsity, heterogeneity and dependency of thedata enforces the use of the regularization methods to identify taxon-diet intake associations(see (2)). On the other hand, food pattern-gut microbial enterotype relationship could beidenti_ed with the help of ordination and classification methods (see (3), (4)). Finally, thesestatistical methods serve to detect microbiome-food intake connections after taking in con-sideration di_erent lifestyle and demographics data from the PopGen cohort.