Medical & Surgical Urology

Medical & Surgical Urology
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9857


Statistical data of onco urology healthcare in Saint-Petersburg in 2009-2013

4th International Conference on Urology

July 20-21, 2015 Barcelona, Spain

V Startsev, V Khizha and K Movchan

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Med Surg Urol

Abstract :

Malignant tumors (MT) play important role among socially-significant diseases. Last years in St. Petersburg (SPb) verify an increase of MT incidence. We perform the analysis of statistics of urological cancer care (UMT) for SPb�??s inhabitants during 2009-2013. The increase in morbidity and mortality marked in UMT patients: Whole Russia (RF) indicators +0.8%; +0.1%, respectively; in SPb - +3.6%; +4.6%. Index ratio of the dead/diseased UMT in RF -4.0% in SPb +5.1% is the result of untimely treatment. We state an increasing number of cases with newly diagnosed prostate (PC; +18.3%), bladder (BC; +15.0%) and kidney cancer (KC; +5.7%) which led to an increase of UMT contingents (+14.2%). The �??crude�?� index grew in BC (men +4.7%, women +5.2%); KC in women +1.5%; PC +7.3%, with maximum increase of UMT in men of 45-50 years old (+16.9%) and in women >65 years (+11.3%). The greatest number of cases UMT (2013)-verified at initial stages (61.0%), the similar to RF situation. Group of BC stage IV cases increased +2.1% while reducing in KC and PC (-3.7%; -0.3%). One year mortality rate for BC +3.0% are the result of the late detection of those tumors. In total deaths rate from MT (2013) UMT rating was 9.1%. �??Crude�?� index in absolute number of PC deaths +35.1% (2000-2013). It is advisable: To organize a monitoring system of suspected UMT�??s; consider a single coding of UMT due to ICD-10; conduct training of onco urology basics for oncologists; improve the medical care of newly diagnosed PC cases; perform onco-epidemiological studies to prevent the development of new UMT in SPb.
