Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4541

+44 1300 500008

Statistics of the forest base sector of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil and forest biomass consumption

Joint Event on 13th International Congress on Biofuels & Bioenergy and Biofuels & Bioeconomy

October 18-20, 2018 | Ottawa, Canada

Mauro Murara Junior

The Forestry Companies Association of Santa Catarinense, Brazil

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl

Abstract :

The Forestry Companies Association of Santa Catarinense-ACR is an institutional representative of the planted forest sector in the state of Santa Catarina, both in the relations with powers and other sectors of society. Through its ACR defends the interests of the forest-based productive chain in the legislative, environmental, technical and administrative aspects, in addition to the association of the companies it represents. ACR's mission is to lead companies such as Santa Catarina's planted forests, increasing its competitiveness, strengthening, congregating, representing, promoting and defending the sector along with agents committed to sustainability, developing skills through various activities. The areas with commercial Pinus forests in the state as a result of investments the last decades, to supply wood to a group of diversified industries. As can be observed, an area planted with pine has remained relatively stable over the last 10 years, showing low growth (0.3% a.a.), from 527 thousand hectares in 2005 to 543 thousand hectares in 2016. The areas planted with Eucalyptus had significant expansions in the period in function increased consumption of gender by important segments, including mainly a cellulose industry and wood consumers for energy. According to data from ACR, an area planted with Eucalyptus forests in the State had a between 2009 and 2016, when it jumped from 61 thousand ha to 100 thousand hectares (replacing part of Pinus areas). After this period, growth slowed. The average rate of 2005-2015 growth was 6.6% a.a. Pinus spp: It is estimated that the sustained forest production for Pinus in Santa Catarina is in the period 2017-2025. Of this total, the Serrana Region concentrates the largest volume of the state total (37% -7.0 million ton/year). By the estimate, the West Region holds 32% (equivalent to 6.0 million t/year, on average) of the total volume. The other regions combined totalled 31% (equivalent to 5.8 million ton/2017) of the total volume of sustained forest production in Santa Catarina. Currently, the volume of pine wood in the state is higher than that of log thick. According to the projections, it is observed that the proportion of sustained Pinus (versus thick log) has a slight reduction in the years, from 54% in 2017 to 50% in 2025. Eucalyptus spp: The sustained forest production projected for the Eucalyptus in Santa Catarina is estimated at 6.5 million t/year (average) in the period 2017 to 2025. This volume is mainly represented by the Southern Catarinense mesoregion (28% of the total, on average 1.8 million tons/year), followed by the Serrana mesoregion (20%, 1.3 million t/year). For this projection, the other regions account for 52% of the volume total sustainable forest production of Eucalyptus, demonstrating greater spraying of with this species in the state, if compared to the pine. In order to summarize these projections of production for wood in Eucalyptus log, by assortment group (log thin and thick), as well as by state mesoregion. The prospect of an increase in the area planted with Eucalyptus, of 3.8% per year, if the trend of the last is replicated in the future. In summary, it is estimated that the total sustained production of planted logwood in Santa Catarina (projected in the period 2017-2025) is almost 26 million tons/year, on average, being 74% Pinus and 26% Eucalyptus.

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