ISSN: 1948-5964
+44 1300 500008
Divya Kodamala and Raja Mohan Rao Kodamala
Posters: JAA
Viral diagnostics are becoming increasingly important in clinical medicine and public health. Factors in raising global concern with respect to acute viral diseases include burgeoning international travel and trade, political instability and bioterrorism, climate change and its eff ects on vector distribution, and the emergence and re-emergence of zoo noses. Th e establishment and implementation of platforms that enable early diff erential diagnosis of infectious diseases will be a key to appreciate the full potency of antiviral therapeutics. Early diagnosis and treatment may be critical to the effi cacy of antiviral therapy. It is easier to control viral dissemination within a single host and to reduce the potential for transmission to others when viral burden is low. In this regard, the educational institutions can play a vital role in disease prevention by propagating the strategies viz., Th e promotion of personal health & Oral hygiene, Physical exercise and Environmental sanitation through public out-reach programme as part and parcel of their social responsibility.