Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-038X

+44 1300 500008

Study of pregnant women’s mortality in Kurdistan province in a 15-year period (2001-2016)

3rd International Conference on Reproductive Health and Medicine

May 21-22, 2018 | Vienna, Austria

Mehri Mollasheykh Shahveisi.Mehdi

Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran
Payame Noor University, Iran

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Reprod Syst Sex Disord

Abstract :

Abstract: Expectancy and childbirth is considered as the sweetest and also the most dangerous period of life time among people. Mother is known as the core member, health factor and prosperity of others in the family. Mother�s death causes irreparable damages for the family and the society. Pregnant women�s morality rates in light of complications of pregnancy and childbirth is the most important index of development status of a country and the reason for choosing this index as the most prominent development index is the effect of various social and economic factors on its decrease or increase. This index is a function of factors such as women�s literacy statues, rural roads network, access to urgent obstetrics and childbirth, the cost of health service, the existence of communication networks and household income. Mother�s death definition includes mother�s death during pregnancy or during childbirth and 42 days after the end of pregnancy for any reason other than events. Mother�s death is a major problem. In this study, the morality rate of pregnant woman in Kurdistan province was studied in a 15_year period. Methodology: For this retrospective descriptive cross_ sectional study, all cases related to the health of pregnant mothers who were registered in hospital and health centers of Kurdistan province were studied and sent to the provincial capital of the province from the beginning of 1380 to the end of 1395. The data contained in the records included the age of the mother, the place of residence, the number of pregnancies, the number of abortions, the number of births, the type of delivery, the cause and the time of death, the conduct of autopsy and the desired or unwanted pregnancy were considered and analyzed. Findings: In the age of 15 years, 91 cases of maternal death occurred which is 20.93 per 100,000 live births. The highest number of deaths was reported in 1383 with 13 deaths and the lowest in 1387 and 1384 with 2 maternal deaths. The average age of mothers is 30.53 years and the average number of pregnancies is 3. Of the 91 deaths, 18 had abortion history, of which 50.4% were resident in the city and 49.5% were rural resident. Most of the mothers were 48 years old and the lowest age was 19 years. 70% of these mothers had experienced three or fewer pregnancies, and 59.3% of these mothers had cesarean section and 26.4% had normal delivery, and one mother had died due to curettage. The place of these mothers� death mostly was in the hospital (82.5%), 10.9% of the place of death was in the home and 6.6% of the time they reached to the hospital. Of the 91 deaths during this time period, only 27.5% of these cases were autopsied and 72.5% had no autopsy. Mothers� death frequency include (83.5%) postpartum and then during the pregnancy (13%) which resulted in the death of the baby, and the lowest frequency is during the delivery with (3.5%). The most common causes of death of pregnant women were bleeding (27%), embolism (20%), pregnancy toxicity (14%), unknown (8%), DIC (6%), heart disease (5%), respectively. 27 cases of indirect deaths and 64 cases (70%) were direct deaths. Of these, 23% of the pregnancies were unwanted and an illicit pregnancy occurred. Conclusion: According to the results, it can be said that social support of pregnant mothers is one of the important measures in the health of mothers in any situation. The awareness of their mothers and their wives for timely referral, prevention of high risk pregnancies, multiple pregnancy at high ages, increased quality of provision of services Hospitals, the existence of warning systems in relief and timely action in hospitals and the avoidance of unnecessary cesareans will be effective in reducing the death of pregnant mothers, which should be addressed by relevant authorities.

Biography :

Mrs Mehri Molla sheikh was born in 1964. She was one of the Midwifery Masters. She has her work experience as  Specialist in the management of the deputy health department of Kurdistan province,  Expert responsible for family physician and referral system in urban areas,  Expert responsible mother and child of the province, Midwifery Delivery Block of Besat Hospital in Sanandaj,  Midwives of health centers and mobile teams,  Educational Instructor of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. Some of her Executing Research Projects include Assessing the satisfaction of couples from premarital counseling classes and determining the needs of couples, The study of prevalence complication and related causes of induced Abortion in Sanandaj 2014,  Evaluation of health care education system, technical Supervisor and Executive Director of the Health Care Project in Kurdistan Province and five other provinces during the 5 ,  Provincial Observer Research on the prevalence and patterns of infertility care services in 2003. She published her articles in  Evaluation of Breast Cancer in Kurdistan Province (6 Years Review),  Qualitative review of family counseling services,  Assessing the skill of qualified women in breast examination in Sanandaj, Prevalence of deliberate abortion and its complications in Kurdistan province,  National and provincial unique midwife.
Mehdi Shahveisi was Born in 1987 Iran Kurdistan Sanandaj. He was an Industrial Management Expert of the University of Payam Noor and Managing Director of Iranian Health Workers Co and also Expert in Microsoft Office, SPS. His main contributor in the projects include Technical Director for Health Development Projects in the Deprived Areas of the Kurdistan Province in 2013 -2014,  Examine all the costs of services in a health house unit, Kurdistan province as the case study 2014,  Work measurement and time assessment of health centers in Saghez in 2015,  Result of the second national survey for Hepatitis B and C in prison in Iran, 2016,  Study of the health consequences of mine explosion in Kurdistan province during the last 35 years of 1979-2013, Expert of Health Doping Center, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, 2017.
