ISSN: 2376-0419
+44 1300 500008
V Ravi Chandran
Sun Signature LLC, USA
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Pharma Care Health Sys
While guerilla marketing and guerilla warfare are well known, guerilla innovation is a new concept. Guerilla tactics used by a pharmaceutical drug discovery innovator are not only effective, but also force one to think outside the box. The techniques used to bring the drugs to market without compromising safety and efficacy is of paramount importance to a guerilla innovator. How does guerilla innovator different from a drug discovery scientist? A guerilla innovator does not spend huge amount of other people�s money to design and develop a new drug. Instead the guerilla innovator uses bridging two apparently disjointed concepts, brings them together to postulate a mechanism of action, and then reverse engineers to the right molecule with extreme precision. This means a guerilla innovator does not synthesize thousands of chemicals and go through an expensive screening process. Instead, based upon reverse engineered process, zeros in on either two to four molecules right for the treatment of any underlying disease. Yes, one or all of the three or four molecules are the ultimate drugs, and they all should work, if the guerilla innovators thinking process is correct. Key requirement for the guerilla innovation is that the safety of a drug is critical, the precise molecules must be almost devoid of toxicity, and thus therapeutic efficacy is multifold compared to existing drugs. I, a pharmaceutical R&D practitioner, will explain this guerilla innovation concept to the audience, and will encourage discussions during and after the presentation.