Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9554

+44 1478 350008

Surgical versus non-surgical hair replacement therapy and its results

5th International Conference and Expo on Cosmetology, Trichology & Aesthetic Practices

April 25-27, 2016 Dubai, UAE

Jossy M Bernardes

Hair Transplant Technician, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Exp Dermatol Res

Abstract :

I have worked in the field of non-surgical hair restoration, various therapies and research for over 30 years. In addition, I have worked in the area of hair transplantation for 25 years. In the non-surgical area, I am able to offer and implement a combined therapeutic program, for the treatment of early stages of diffused hair thinning in women and early stages of pattern baldness in men. Taking into consideration that hair thinning or loss and its causes are different between women and men; Finding the appropriate treatment or therapy is crucial. As an example, treatment given to a person in the early stages of male pattern baldness cannot be the same, as a treatment given to a person with diffused hair loss due to hormonal or stress related issues. Each condition needs to be carefully evaluated and a complete history of all related health issues taken into account in establishing a specific, personalized treatment plan. In addition within the past 10 years, amazing developments have been discovered, studied and applied with great results, especially in the beginning stages of hair loss. Another area in which I take great pride in working, is with people having non reversed hair loss, offering the best and most natural quality hair replacement prosthesis, hair integrations systems, additions, full head prosthesis for cancer patients; made from quality european, chinese and remi hair. Color is matched to perfection, creating a natural and realistic look or hair design. In doing so, facial features are analyzed to create a design that is suitable for the individual and with great fitting confort as well, bringing the client a rewarding feeling of attractiveness and wholeness. My further advances have been in the surgical hair transplants for the past 25 years. My expertise has been with follicular unit extraction or (FUE) in diverse methods. Transplanting hair from the donor area (back of the head) and placement in the recipient area (frontal, top, crown) being carefully planned, follicles carefully extracted with their bulb intact, either manually with a surgical triple bladed tool, robotic or laser. A great result can be achieved and hair growth successful. Hair treatments or therapy are recommended for better density and accelerated growth. Ultimately for the past 7 years as a Trichologist I have been researching non-surgical therapies with the use of laser, alternative medicine and supplements, extending even with stem cell possibilities.

Biography :

Jossy M Bernardes studied and worked as an apprentice for the Permanent Hair Institute in New Jersey for 8 years before becoming executive head of the hair replacement department, consultant and training new students in the non-surgical and surgical hair restoration for new doctors interested in performing the art of hair transplants. Received full cosmetology certification from Capri institute of Beauty in New Jersey, became certified to practice as a hair transplant technician by the Professional hair Institute headquartered in Virginia Beach, VA, was trained and worked closely with various influential plastic surgeons, internists and dermatologists performing different techniques of hair extraction and placement. Travelled across different cities and states in the USA to work and demonstrate skills to new doctors and staff as well as new patient consultant. Currently self employed as a free-lancer, consultant, teacher educator in hair restoration process and therapies, product retail for hair loss.

