ISSN: 2168-9792
Veronica La Regina
Italian Space Agency (ASI), Italy
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng
Nowadays, the space budget is getting more and more tighter for the developed space faring nations and at the same time new emerging nations plan space activities and related budgets. For this purpose, the justification of public expenditures for space activities is becoming relevant for assuring continuity, maintenance and improvement of space capacity and capability. In this context, the socio-economic multiplier of the investments can support the choice of policy makers, thus, the expenditure for space-based technologies shall be exploited for several purposes due to favorable policy for technology transfer, e.g., spinoffs and integrated applications, combined with international relations� actions. The development of space-based technology, encompassing even the technology transfers� requirements for potential global customers, promises more successful outcomes and most likely contribute to the scientific, technological and industrial leadership and competitiveness of the nation. The paper aims to describe a systems engineering matrix with the requirements of an international space technology transfer and it concludes with a set of policy recommendations.
Veronica La Regina is a Senior Researcher at the Italian Space Agency in Rome, Italy. She is In-Charge of business coaching for the start-ups coming from the commercial exploitation of space-based technologies. She works closely with academic, public and private business incubators to make the start-up phases successful. She adopts quantitative and qualitative methodologies leveraging on soft and hard-skills of the team-members in order to establish a collaborative and promising work environment. Her international experiences (Europe, Americas and Asia) make her sensitive to inter-cultural and inter-gender issues for developing the global business strategies. She holds a Master’s degree in Systems Engineering (2015) from the University Tor Vergata in Rome, a Master’s degree in Institutions and Space Policy (2009) from Italian Society for International Organizations (SIOI) in Rome, PhD degree in Economic Sciences (2004) from State University of Milan, Graduate studies in Maths and Statistics (2001) from University of Rome “Sapienza” and Graduation in Law (1999) from LUISS G Carli in Rome.