ISSN: 1948-5964
+44 1300 500008
Helieh S Oz
UK Medical Center, Lexington, USA
Keynote: J Antivir Antiretrovir
Neglected tropical diseases include microbial, parasitic and viral diseases. Toxoplasmosis is number one cause of foodborne hospitalization and congenital diseases affecting 60 million people in USA and 1/3rd of global population. About 1700 patients suffer from Malaria in USA each year, and millions are infected in South Asia and Africa. It is estimated that 600-800 million people worldwide to be infected with hookworms which cause severe anemia, growth retardation and eosinophilic enteritis. Dengue (break back) hemorrhagic fever is endemic in Far East and back again in Southern States and Hawaii. HIV/AIDS affects about 1.1 million in USA and another 1 million in China. About 1 million people suffer from multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in China, and it has become a major public health problem. The estimated cost to treat a multidrug resistant patient is over 200 times more than those infected with non-resistant tuberculosis. The funding for global neglected tropical diseases was started in 2006 with $15 million supported by USA. This funding has increased to $100 million in 2017 and current requested budget is $75 million for 2018. This integrative presentation will discuss a recent visit to Sun Yat Sen University Medical Center and Zhuhai Affiliated Hospitals located in the exotic tropical Southern China and some of the neglected tropical diseases endemic in the area. In addition, the presentation aims to alarm the need for scientific collaboration between 2 countries to advance the knowledge of tropical and infectious diseases in developing effective therapeutic antimicrobial, preventive measures and diagnostic tools, in order to end the humans� sufferings.
Dr Helieh Oz has a DVM, MS (U. IL); PhD (U. MN) and clinical translational research certificate (U.KY). Dr Oz is an active member of American Association of Gastroenterology (AGA) and AGA Fellow (AGAF) and associate in Rome Foundation (Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases). she is a Microbiologist with expertise in infectious and inflammatory diseases, drugs discovery, pathogenesis, innate/mucosal Immunity, molecular biology, and micronutrient. she has over 90 publications in the areas of chronic inflammatory disorders, microbial and infectious diseases. she has served as Lead Editor for special issues including Gut inflammatory, infectious diseases and nutrition 2018 (Mediators of Inflammation); Gastrointestinal inflammation, repair: role of microbiome, infection, nutrition (Gastroenterology Research Practice), J Nutrient and guest Editor for J. Pediatric Infectious Disease. she is a member of different editorial board and an avid reviewer for journals. she recently visited Sun Yat Sen University in Guangzhou and 5th Affiliated University Hospitals in Zhuhai to give lectures in Tropical and Infectious Diseases.