Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Teaching strategies for orbital surgical anatomy

International Conference on Ophthalmic and Oculoplastic Surgery

May 24-25, 2018 Osaka, Japan

Maria Elena Vergara

Clinical Hospital Montevideo, Uruguay

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

The learning and teaching of surgical anatomy is of paramount importance for residents of surgical specialties. Obviously, the learning of surgical anatomy is also important for medical students. Under and postgraduates will apply this knowledge in the clinical setting. For that, we must give student the skills to manage 3D anatomy, surgical and radiological anatomy of the orbital cavity and its intracranial and otolaryngological relationships. In addition to promoting individual learning, another very important objective is to promote the cooperative learning between all surgical and medical specialties involved in the treatment of intra-orbital pathology. We developed for years, a practical and theoretical multidisciplinary activity with neurosurgeons, otolaryngologist and radiologist, with whom we share many of the instances of surgical approach and diagnosis. We will develop the activity in three steps: Pre-instructional strategies include dissection. Primary evaluation co-instructional strategies: Cadaveric dissection. Expository class post-instructional strategies: Conceptual map. Final evaluation during the exposition, we will establish the methodology that we applied in the teaching and learning process.

Biography :

Maria Elena Vergara has started off her academic career as a Professor in the Uruguayan Republic University since 2000. In 2009, she has started working in Clinical Hospital Montevideo and currently working as an Adjunct Professor. She has developed numerous teaching techniques betting on multidisciplinary clinical and basic integration to improve surgical clinical training for medical students.
