Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9554

+44 1478 350008

Testicular implant and patient satisfaction in a man of 25 years old, after a Orhidectomy for a Criptorhidy in childhood

2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Cosmetology & Trichology

November 12-14, 2013 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Chicago-North Shore, IL, USA

Ardeshir Vahidi

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Dermatol Res

Abstract :

The fact that a young man of 25 years old, requests a testicular implant, because he says "I don?t feel comfortable at the beach", makes sense. There is no other reason than an evident or hidden, psychological motivation, which drives patients to a plastic and aesthetic surgery operation room. Presence or absence of a testicle, and even the intense color of them, among monkeys with blue scrota, is one of the intense sexual signals for the female monkeys. This means power, and high sexual capacity for reproduction and guaranty for survival. These sexual signals are not unknown in the world of human beings. There are studied by the biologists, psychologists, sociologists, behaviorists etc, and even by artists as impression. The term of "Psychoaesthetics" used by the author is intended to be introduced in the medical terminology, specifically in Aesthetic Surgery, as a result of research in our clinical and scientific activities, which takes place by following in details, all the conditions of subjects before and after operation. Careful monitoring, dynamic of thought, emotion, feeling and thankfulness of patients, their wishes, dreams and their realistic achievement after operation . Therefore "Psychoaesthetics" is a complex dynamic informational system based on the connection of form, emotion, and act as a bio-psycho-cybernetic system. A line makes a form, a form has its own language and information which is sent and captured by visual sensorial receptors and analyzed in the Central Nervous System. In this way the response comes out: psychological satisfaction, mental comfort, self confidence and social respect. Material and Methods: In this case, the operation takes place in a classical operation theater, under spinal anesthesia, and I.V. sedation. Operation time 30 minutes. Particularity, severe hypotrophy of left scrotal space, Orhidectomy at the age of 18 years, testicular implant at the age of 25. Patient was not known to have Criptorhidy till age of 18. The procedure adopted in this case is through 2-2.5cm, ?Wink? type , semi lunar (up to down) incision in left and lateral area of genital region, (in direction of spermatic cord) among the pubis hair, for hiding of incision line. Easy access in the scrotal cavity which is severely reduced. Enlargement of cavity by index finger and, introduction of medium size of silicon gel-filled implant , attached by monofilament non resorbable suture to the lowest part ( bottom ) of scrotal cavity, careful hemostasya and suturing of the incision by resorbable Vickriyl 3/0, Steri-strip on skin. Antibio-profilaxy, antiinflamatory nonsteroidian, ice bag locally. The patient is under observation for 24 hours, very good local evolution, he leaves hospital without complications. Second day, moderate ecchymosed area, tissue infiltration by edema , it results because of earlier exaggerated physical activities, which is managed by local Heparin gel administration, 48 hours repose , local ice bag. Result: Patient satisfaction, local satisfactory, volume augmentation and no undesired complications. Discussion and Observations: For more satisfactory results (volume, density), we recommend saline-silicone implant, which could be easily adapted during the operation. Immediate psychological thankfulness of patient, the most important reason in this case.
