Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research

Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0533


The analysis of circumstances of mine-explosive injuries that caused limb amputations within the area of hybrid war in the East of Ukraine

10th Global Orthopedicians Annual Meeting

July 03-04, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ievgen Tsema, Andrii Dinets, Artem Bespalenko and Vladimir Mishalov

Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine
National Military Medical Clinical Center, Ukraine
Irpen Military Medical Clinical Center of Occupational Diseases, Ukraine

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Orthop Muscular Syst

Abstract :

Background: The hybrid war of Russia against Ukraine has been started in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions within the Donbas area in 2014. The application of modern weapons against Armed Forces of Ukraine during the hybrid war has resulted in large number of limb amputations among the military personnel. Aim of the Study: The aim is to evaluate the frequency of amputations and to identify circumstances of mine-explosive injuries that caused limb amputations in hybrid war. Patients & Methods: The circumstances of limb amputation in 119 injured have been analyzed. All patients were mine-explosive injured at hybrid war in the East of Ukraine within the period of 01.06.2014 to 30.06.2016. Mean age of patients was 33.7 years (range 18 to 61). There were 118 (99.2%) males and 1 (0.8%) female. The mean term of military service at the moment of injury was 2.02 years (range 11 days to 25.2 years). Results: The mine-explosive injuries which caused limb amputations in 83 (69.7%) patients were directly related with conducting of the military actions: 69 (58.0%) patients were injured as a result of shelling with mine throwers, self-moving artillery systems and rocket launchers (â�?�?Gradâ�?, â�?�?Smerchâ�?); 1 (0.8%) case was a result of tank attack; 13 (10.9%) servicemen had been wounded during a combat but definite circumstances of the mine-explosive injuries weren't reliably documented. In 36 (30.3%) cases of mine-explosive injuries theirs circumstances were not directly related with combat operations: 18 (15.1%) wounded were injured on a tripwire mine; 4 (3.4%) wounded had injuries as a result of careless handling with grenade fuse; 14 (11.8%) patients had mine-explosive injuries resulting from unauthorized detonation of different explosive devices (in weapon storage sites, during of vehicle perquisition at the checkpoints, during mine wedging in mortar barrel). Conclusion: 69.7% cases of limb amputations in combat-related patients at hybrid war in the East of Ukraine were directly related with artillery and tank attacks. Whereas, 30.3% cases of mine-explosive injuries were received outside of combat (tripwire mine, careless handling with grenade fuse, and unauthorized detonation of explosive device).

Biography :

Email: hemorrhoid@ukr.net
