Journal of Clinical Trials

Journal of Clinical Trials
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0870

The challenges of clinical trials in developing nations: Ethiopian perspectives

4th International Conference on Clinical Trials

September 11-13, 2017 San Antonio, USA

Etsubdink Abera Aboye

St. Paul��?s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Ethiopia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Trials

Abstract :

Clinical trials in Ethiopia and other developing nations can generally be considered to be in its embryonic stages. The share of studies registered from Africa is (in updated as of June 2017 is only 0.025%, although the region represents about 15% of the population of the world; and Ethiopia represents only 1.5% of all the studies from Africa. Though clinical trials provide the highest degree of evidence to support new interventions and decisions about disease management, the challenges of conducting clinical trials in Ethiopia are enormous. The basic problem arises from the country��?s poor economy that resulted in underdeveloped research infrastructure such as space, supplies and maintenance affecting clinical work, communication, access, availability of basic needed inputs, and lack of trained workforce in clinical research. Besides, there is lower prioritization of research in academic institutions considering research as a luxury; time and money consuming; and this has resulted in the establishment of very few clinical trials units nationwide. There is lack of equitable incentives for researchers due to limited sources of funding and very minimal budget allocation to clinical research activities by the government. The regulatory frameworks are also bureaucratic; and this has been discouraging to the few clinical researchers resulting in brain drain; that is a challenge in health facilities in resource-limited settings as it is associated with increasing workloads, lowering the quality of services, reducing team efficiency and causing a loss of institutional knowledge. Moreover, poor and/or illiterate study participants and differing cultural values and beliefs may lead to recruitment, consent and follow up difficulties, which slow down trial progress from my experience in Ethiopia.

Biography :

Etsubdink Abera Aboye has earned his Medical Doctorate from St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College in Ethiopia, in November 12, 2013. He is graduated with distinction and retained in the Medical College with academic rank of Lecturer and Early Career Researcher. He has participated in various researches that brought positive change to the community, and he is currently participating in the evaluation of a standardized treatment regimen of anti-tuberculosis drugs for patients with MDR-TB, multicenter trial involving five hospitals in the city. He worked as President of the Medical Students’ Association, Assistant Student Dean, Modular Coordinator, and Undergraduate Students’ Coordinator. He is currently a Fellow at Harvard Medical School-Global Clinical Scholars Research Training Program with clinical trial concentration, and Member of Research Ethical Review Committee of his academic institution since 2016.
