Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research

Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0533


The earliest detection intervention and prevention of thoracic outlet syndrome

10th Global Orthopedicians Annual Meeting

July 03-04, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

James Stoxen

Team Doctors Chiropractic Center, USA

Keynote: Orthop Muscular Syst

Abstract :

The use of Hand Held Devices (HHD) such as mobile phones, game controls, tablets, portable media players and personal digital assistants have increased dramatically in past decade. This drastic change has led to new batch of difficult to treat, musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremities such as myofascial pain syndrome of neck and upper back and thoracic outlet syndrome. This month over 60,000 people have used thoracic outlet syndrome to search for more information on this condition according to Google. This compares equally to the number of searches for neck pain. The thoracic outlet anatomy and how the bundle passes through the passageway is complex for even musculoskeletal experts. So for doctors trained in other specialties there can be an inadequate understanding about nature and cause of thoracic outlet syndrome. A syndrome rather than a disease, the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, plus top 10 ranked hospitals for neurology and neurosurgery agree persistent compression of nerves, arteries and veins traveling through the thoracic outlet is what leads to thoracic outlet syndrome. I will discuss the three models of human movement, the inverted pendulum model, the spring-mass model and the Integrated Spring-Mass Model (ISMM). The ISMM integrates the spring suspension systems of the foot and shoulder region as well as the torsion spring of the spine and the mass, the head. I will discuss my clinical findings which show that compressive disorders like TOS and herniated discs are merely an over control of tension on the human spring mechanism leading to these syndromes. I will give brief review of the symptoms and their patterns, the common orthopedic tests, and diagnostic tests, 16 different common conservative therapies and the 10 reasons for when surgery is medically necessary. I will discuss an alternative treatment for this disorder based on the integrated spring mass model.

Biography :

James Stoxen, Team Doctors® President, has been inducted into the prestigious National Fitness Hall of Fame, the Personal Trainers Hall of Fame and appointed to the Advisory Board for the American Board of Anti-Aging Health Practitioners. He developed the new advanced model of biomechanics, the integrated springmass model and the approach to the earliest detection, intervention and prevention of age related diseases. In 2015, he was presented with an Honorary Fellowship award by the member of the Royal Family, the Sultan of Pahang, at the World Congress of Sports and Exercise Medicine in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia for his distinguished research and contributions to the advancement of Sports and Exercise Medicine at an international level. He is a sought after speaker internationally lecturing at over 50 medical conferences on treatment, training and progressive preventive approaches.

Email: teamdoctors@aol.com
