ISSN: 2155-9899
Ahmed G Hegazi, Maha M Saber, Eitedal Daoud, Aliaa El Gendy, Khaled G Abdel-Wahhab and Eman Abd el-Rahman
National Research Center, Egypt
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Cell Immunol
Bee venom acupuncture (BVA) from honey bee (Apis mellifera) was potentially used as complementary modality for treatment of many diseases. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of bee venom acupuncture as alternative medicine therapy for the long term treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This study is a randomized, controlled clinical trial with two parallel arms. The study intend to compare the effects of BVA by bee sting or bee venom collected by the electric shock device and p with pharmacotherapy only in patients with RA. Forty patients with Rheumatoid arthritis disease are allocated to group of patients with RA are treated with BVA (bee sting) therapy or bee venom collected by the electric shock device at apiacupoints twice a week with convention drug therapy. While other group of patient with Rheumatoid arthritis disease on convention drug therapy. Tender joint count, swollen joint count, morning stiffness, visal analog scal (VAS), health assessment Q, ESR, CRP, Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), Interleukin 1(IL1), Interleukin 6, (IL6), Nuclear Factor and Kappa B(NF-KB). All these parameters will be assessed before and after treatment. The results revealed that the bee venom apiacupuncture showed significant improvement in patients received bee venom group compare to patients received pharmacotherapy only. It is concluded that both modes of treatment for RA gave improvement regarding pain intensity, disability and quality of life being more evident in bee venom group supported with improved serum TNF, IL1, IL6 and NF-KB.
Ahmed G Hegazi worked as a Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, National Research Center, Dept. Parasitology, 1997-2000, Chair of Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, 1981-1997, part-time Professor and Supervisor of Immunology Section, National Research Center, 1990- up till now. He is also Prof. of Microbiology & Immunology, African Federation of Apiculture Associations (AFAA), 2001- up till now, Standing Commission on Apitherapy (APIMONDIA), 1999 - up till now, Member of Standing Scientific Committee, National Research Center, 1998 –up till now. He was awarded the Excellent Medal of the First Class, 1995, received the Senior Scientist Prize of National Research Center, 1996, and won The Second Best Research Paper award from International Congress of Propolis, Argentina, 2000. He has published in Egyptian Journal of Immunology, 1995, was in the Editorial Board of The Egyptian Association of Immunologists, 1992 –1997, Secretary General, Referee in 37 international journals patents: 4 Patents Educational Activities. He has published 193 articles in national and international scientific journals, 6 books in English and 7 books in Arabic.