Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene

Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene
Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2059

+44 1478 350008

The effect of ionized water on germination, sprouting vigour and microbial contamination of wheat sprouts

8th International Conference on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures

June 11-12, 2018 | Barcelona, Spain

Loreta Serniene and Justina Tomkeviciute

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Microbiol Saf Hyg

Abstract :

Interest in sprouts as a super food is growing rapidly due to their palatability and nutritional properties. The potential microbiological risks however, are challenging producers in finding innovative ways to ensure productâ�?�?s safety while keeping quality high. One of the ways to achieve this is to employ ionized water in sprout production process. To determine the influence of ionized water on germination, sprouting vigour and safety of sprouts, common (bread) wheat (Triticum aestivum) seeds were chosen to soak and sprout for three days in the highest concentrations (in the safe range for human consumption) of ionized alkaline water (pH 9), acid (pH 3.8) and silvered (pH 9 + 0.011 / 0.51 mg / l silver ions). Ionized alkaline water, compared with control (tap water), increased sprouting vigour of wheat in 13.25% while the general germination improved in 57%. Ionized acidic (pH 3.8) water, compared to control (tap, distilled water) and other experimental samples (ionized alkaline, silvered water, hydrogen peroxide (8%)) effectively reduced microbial contamination of seeds: coliform bacteria was inhibited through 2.08 logarithmic units (lu) and the Total Bacterial Count (TBC) decreased over 0.71 lu. Silvered water improved sprouting vigor in 12.5% and reduced microbial contamination, but had no statistically significant effect on improving their ability to germinate. Ionized alkaline water can be beneficial for germination, growth and irrigation of seeds, as well as ionized acidic water can play a role of an effective and safe disinfectant in sprouts production. Recent Publications 1. Ka�?¡konien�?�?, Vilma, Stankevi�?ius Mantas, Bimbirait�?�?-Survilien�?�?, Kristina Naujokaityt�?�? Gintar�?�?, �? ernien�?�? Loreta, Mulkyt�?�? Kristina, Malakauskas Mindaugas and Maru�?¡ka Andrius (2017) Current state of purification, isolation and analysis of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 10(4):1323-1335. 2. Kudirkien�?�? Egl�?�?, Bunevi�?ien�?�? Jurgita, �? ernien�?�? Loreta, Ramonait�?�? Sigita, Olsen John E and Malakauskas Mindaugas (2013) Importance of the producer on retail broiler meat product contamination with Campylobacter spp. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 93(9):2293-2298. 3. Novoslavskij Aleksandr, �? ernien�?�? Loreta, Malakauskas Alvydas, Laukkanen-Ninios Riikka, Korkeala Hannu and Malakauskas Mindaugas (2013) Prevalence and genetic diversity of enteropathogenic Yersinia spp. in pigs at farms and slaughter in Lithuania. Research in Veterinary Science 94(2):209-213. 4. �? ernien�?�? Loreta, Stimbirys Art�?«ras and Daunoras Gintaras (2013) Trends in monitoring residues of pharmacologically active group B substances in products of animal origin in Lithuania from 1999 to 2008. Food Additives & Contaminants Part B 6(3):187-195. 5. Kudirkien�?�? Egl�?�?, Cohn Marianne Thorup, Stabler Richard, Strong Philippa C R, �? ernien�?�? Loreta, Wren Brendan W, Nielsen Eva M�?¸ller, Malakauskas Mindaugas and Br�?¸ndsted Lone (2012) Phenotypic and genotypic characterizations of campylobacter jejuni Isolated from the broiler meat production process. Current Microbiology 65(4):398-406.

Biography :

Loreta Serniene was involved in different scientific projects in her carrier such as COST activity feed for health, investigating the effect of liquid whey on productivity and udder health parameters of dairy cows; EU funded projects milk production and processing at small dairy farms and the use of novel enzymes in the production of traditional and innovative dairy products at SMS dairy enterprises, developing and updating traditional dairy technologies and implementing new ones at small scale level which also involved dissemination of findings across the territory of Lithuania. At the moment she is leading a national project screening of new L. lactis bacteria producing bacteriocins and investigation of their applicability for food preservation, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. She is one of international technical experts in EUREKA programme and by now has supervised more than 40 graduate students.
