ISSN: 2161-0932
Sulima A, Puchkina G
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology No.1, Medical Academy named after S. I. Georgievsky, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Gynecol Obstet (Sunnyvale)
The aim of the investigation was to study the morphological features and subpopulation composition of immunocompetent cells of adhesion tissue in women with adhesions of the pelvic organs. The study was carried out using surgical material obtained from 70 women aged 23 to 40 years. Of these, 50 tissue samples of peritoneal adhesions from patients with adhesions of organs in the small pelvis of I – II degree who underwent adhesiolysis and 20 samples of parietal peritoneum from healthy women who underwent endoscopic sterilization for the purpose of contraception or completion of generative function. We used histological, immunohistochemical and morphometric research methods. Immunological changes in adhesion tissue were characterized by activation of the T-cell link of immunity, which was confirmed by a significant increase in the content of CD4 + (p <0.001), CD8 + (p <0.001), a shift in the balance of immunoregulatory subpopulations towards CD-8 +, a lower indicator of the immunoregulatory index (p = 0.015), insufficiency of the humoral link of immunity, namely, the absence of CD20 + content against the background of a slight increase in the CD-138 + pool. In order to prevent the postoperative adhesion process in the small pelvis in patients of reproductive age, it is necessary to apply immunomodulatory therapy in the early postoperative period, which will improve the results of surgical treatment and is pathogenetically justified.
Anna N. Sulima – Doctor of Medicine, Professor, has completed her Doctoral Thesis at the age of 34 years from National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. L. Schupyk and continued her postdoctoral studies from Medical Academy named after S. I. Georgievsky. Professor Sulima is the Senior Doctor of Gyn Department and also the Head Doctor of IVF clinic. She has published 5 medical books and more than 190 papers in national and international journals.