ISSN: 2167-0420
Laura Yolanda Pagola Lppez
Escuela Superior de EnfermerÃa y Obstetricia. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. DCE, Mexico
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Womens Health Care
This research aimed to explore the feelings of women during labor and postpartum in hospitals in Mexico City in relation to obstetric violence. It was a qualitative, phenomenological study, and the subjects were women who had experienced labor in hospitals in Mexico City. In-depth interviews were conducted, and the analysis was based on data collected using the ATLAS. ti 23program. The data analysis revealed three main categories that describe the feelings of the women. Firstly, it was found that women experienced various forms of obstetric violence. These forms included verbal and emotional violence, in which the healthcare team devalued, ridiculed, or ignored the needs and preferences of the women during labor and postpartum. Cases of physical violence were also identified. The second category was negative emotions, which included fear, vulnerability, helplessness, and lack of protection. Lastly, the category of helplessness emerged as they expressed a sense of powerlessness in the face of mistreatment, which was attributed to a lack of information about their rights. In conclusion, this study highlights the various forms of obstetric violence experienced by women in hospitals in Mexico City during and after labor. Additionally, it demonstrates the negative emotions and the sense of helplessness that arise as a consequence of this mistreatment. These findings underscore the need to address obstetric violence by promoting respectful care environments and ensuring the respect of women´s rights and dignity during the process of labor and postpartum.
Bachelor´s degree in nursing from the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Master´s degree in intensive care nursing from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Doctorate in nursing sciences from the National University of Trujillo, Peru, currently pursuing a dotorate in education from the Veracruz University Institute, a 3/4-time professor of undergraduate and graduate programs at the School of Nursing and Obstetrics of the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico City. Member of the education network of the National Polytechnic Institute and the gender network of Nursing Schools and Faculties in Mexico. Reviewer of articles for international journals.