ISSN: 2476-2059
+44 1478 350008
Chris Hill
University of Alabama, USA
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Food Microbiol Saf Hyg
Improper food handling exists on a massive scale, all over the world-thousands of people die each year and employees become ill from such mishandling and improper attention to the food in our establishments. The problem will never entirely go away, but the best way to minimize the effects of foodborne illnesses can have on consumers and workers, alike, is inextricably linked to the environment and culture that is created by the head chef, kitchen manager or other supervisors. In essence, when employees feel safe, they will go above and beyond, not just for the people around them, but for their employer-they wouldnâ??t ever jeopardize the integrity of the establishment by improper handling of ingredients and would in all circumstances do their due diligence - but how do you create these types of employees? In my second book, Lead Like a Chef: The 7 Principles That Guide Powerful, Effective and Human Leaders, I dive into the recipe for a strong company culture which starts at the top with the person in charge. I explain what it means to lead and how you can get the staff to buy into the â??missionâ?- whether thatâ??s service for the day, or itâ??s ensuring that all temperatures are properly maintained, and that they hold each other accountable.