ISSN: 0974-276X
Ron L Martin
Nutrigenetics Unlimited Inc., USA
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Proteomics Bioinform
Examples of the emerging gene expression evidence-base will be described, along with online tools for increasing both awareness and utility of the increasingly actionable information. This can be helpful to the entire spectrum of potential users, including students and other members of the public. Such tools are increasingly important as the body of literature continues to expand rapidly, making it progressively more difficult to identify and manage the evidence-base for making more fully informed choices. Online resources will be described, including the usefulness of standardized terminology which allows creation of subtopic listings for any given topic or for any given combination of topics ΓΆΒ?Β? including for genes and gene variants. Beyond diagnosis and treatment alone, such approaches also allow identification and exploration of prevention opportunities, and as well as optimizations for both physical and mental health. Gene-environment examples include nutrition, pharmaceuticals, pollution, lifestyle, social environment, etc. Because nutrition applies to everyone without exception, it can become a useful introductory "archetype" for promoting greater engagement and greater genetics/health literacy.
Ron L Martin has received his BS and MS degrees in Food Science and Nutrition from Chapman University in Orange, California. He has worked for more than 35 years in the nutraceutical and food industries, including Hunt-Wesson/ConAgra, Plus Products, the William T Thompson Co., and the Nutrilite division of Alticor, where he served as a Senior Research Scientist in Nutrilite's New Concepts group. He has been a Professional Member of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and is the President of Nutrigenetics Unlimited, Inc., which he founded in 2007. He is also one of the Founding Members of the International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics.