Pediatrics & Therapeutics

Pediatrics & Therapeutics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0665

+44 1478 350008

The important of calcium to children

7th International Conference on Pediatric Nutrition

November 24, 2022 | Webinar

Mohammad Omar Faizi

Ariana University, Afghanistan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pediatr Ther

Abstract :

The mineral, calcium, is used to build strong bones during childhood and adolescence. Bone calcium begins to decrease in young adulthood and progressive bone loss can occur as we age, especially in women. Younger children and babies are at an increased risk of developing rickets if they have a small calcium and vitamin D intake. Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption. Rickets is a bone-softening disease that can cause severe bowing of the legs, poor growth, and sometimes muscle pain and weakness. Infants should receive breast milk or infant formula as a major source of nutrition during the first year because cow’s milk doesn’t have the nutrients a growing baby needs. Kids between the ages of 1 to 2 years should stick to whole milk to help provide the dietary fats they need for normal growth and brain development, but if there is a weight issue then low-fat milk is allowed. Low-lactose and lactose-free products are available for those who are lactose intolerant. There are also lactose drops that can be added to dairy products as well. Sources of dairy that are lower in lactose are hard, aged cheeses (such as cheddar) and yogurts that contain active cultures that are easier to digest and are more likely to cause fewer lactose-related problems. If you believe your formulafed infant has an allergy with cow’s milk, they may need to switch to a soy-based or hypoallergenic formula. Older kids with milk allergies can have good alternatives to milk and milk products such as calcium-enriched rice or soy milk, vegan products, and other soy-based or rice-based frozen desserts, sorbets, pudding and ice pops. If you believe your formula-fed infant has an allergy with cow’s milk, they may need to switch to a soy-based or hypoallergenic formula. Older kids with milk allergies can have good alternatives to milk and milk products such as calcium-enriched rice or soy milk, vegan products, and other soy-based or rice-based frozen desserts, sorbets, pudding and ice pops. It’s more of a challenge to obtain the recommended amounts of calcium in a vegetable-only diet, but good sources of calcium can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, chickpeas, and calcium fortified products, including orange juice, soy and rice drinks, and cereals.

Biography :

Mohammad Omar faizi he plays key role in child Nutrition at the Ariana University.
