ISSN: 2161-0495
+44 1478 350008
M. Jamal Hajjar
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clinic Toxicol
P ersistent organic pollutants (POPs) are grouped on the basis of a common characteristics i.e., persistence in the environment, longer than that required for their intended use. The 12 POPs, all are chlorinated compounds, they are pesticides; aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex and toxaphene. Recently in the Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention was held from 25 to 29 April 2011, the Parties agreed to list endosulfan in Annex A to the Convention, which rise the number of POP`s products to 13, and 10 of them are insecticides. The industrial chemicals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorobenzene, which is also a pesticide; and the unintended by-products of combustion and industrial processes, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans, numbering 210 congeners, were never produced commercially, and have no intended use. None of the ten chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides is presently recommended for the use in agriculture, although, many incidents of their misuse on food and cases of acute toxic exposure are still being reported. In public health programs, only a few persistent chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides are still being used in various countries, especially DDT in vector disease control, chlordane in termite control and aldrin in locust control, but their use is in constant decline, either because of voluntary withdrawal, or due to legal action. Over the past several years, the risks posed by POPs have become of increasing concern to many countries, resulting in actions to protect human health and the environment being taken or proposed at the national level, the regional level and more recently, in international initiatives. Overall the global objective the Middle East countries need assistant to improve their pesticide and pest management and the management of the industrial chemicals in general, and elimination of existing POPs obsolete pesticide stocks, also help to prevent the creation of obsolete POPs products and reduce the adverse impacts of POPs chemicals on health and the environment in the future
M. Jamal Hajjar, From 1991 till 2009 professor of pesticide sciences at faculty of agriculture, Damascus University, From 1/1/2003 till 17/7/2007 Director of Plant Protection Dept. at Ministry of Agriculture, From September 2009 Prof. of pesticides Science and toxicology at King Fissal University Saudi Arabia. Chairman of the Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in Central Region (FAO) from 2003-2004. FAO National consultant for SPPD inventory project of obsolete pesticides (November 2002, January 2003). National consultant for inventory of project Pop?s pesticides GF/2732 ? 02 ? 4560 (from September to December 2003) Expert Member of Pesticide Referee Group, DLCC, AGPP, FAO, Rome. Expert Member of Chemical Review Committee (Rotterdam Convention) FAO ? UNEP (2005-2009) National Consultant on IPM and Pesticides Regulation (TCP/ SYR/3003) from 17 January 2005 to 30 April 2005. Consultant and Team Coordinator of Health and Environmental Study in the Regional IPM/ FFS project (GTFS/REM/070/ITA) from 1st March to 30 July 2005. Director of FAO TCP/SYR/3001 project on strengthening The Phytosanitary capacity in Syria duration 18 months from April 2004. Director of FAO TCP/SYR/3003 project on safeguarding of obsolete pesticides in Syria 2005. Member of Standard committee for Phytosanitary Measures FAO( IPPC- CPM) 2007. Short term service contract as International Agriculture Expert with the European commission (50 working day) from 7 April to 15 June 2008 in the project "Building capacity for implementation of sanitary and phytosanitary norms, food safety rules and plant protection standards" in Syria, EU 2007. Short term contract with GTZ for Evaluation of the difficulties are affecting the accession of Syrian Agro-products to the international Markets 2009