ISSN: 2329-8790
+44 1478 350008
Manuela Stoicescu
University of Oradea, Romania
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Hematol Thrombo Dis
Objective: The most important objective of this presentation is to attract attention that the dose of irradiation in the medical practice must be carefully monitored and quantified. Material and Methods: After many serious observations from my medical practice, many cases appeared with unexpected leucopenia after routine blood tests were performed. During a careful history of these categories of patients appeared unexpected in evidence that they made previously many irradiant investigations during life such as chest X rays, dental X rays, abdominal X rays, urography, mammography, CT, MRI. The dose of irradiation during these investigations decreases the level of leukocytes in the bloodâ??leucopenia-and in this way start leukemia. Results and Discussions: Each patient with leucopenia should be asked about the number of irradiation investigations performed during life. The quantification of the radiation dose to which a patient is exposed over the course of his life needs to be seriously monitored and quantified. Conclusions: The most important conclusion of this presentation is for avoided at maximum possible many unnecessary irradiant methods of investigations in the medical practice, which can decrease the incidence of leukemia and other dangerous hematologic diseases very much. The modern apparatuses give safe a diagnosis for the physician but can become, sometimes, dangerous for the patient.
Manuela Stoicescu is consultant Internal Medicine Physician (PhD in Internal Medicine), Assistant Professor of University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania. She was invited as speaker at more than 30 International Conferences is USA, China, Japan, Canada, Thailand, Dubai, Spain, Germany, she is Committing Organizing Member at many International Conferences, is editorial board member in two ISSN prestigious Journal in USA, published more than 30 articles in prestigious ISSN Journals in USA, published five books (two on Amazon–one is: “Sudden cardiac death in the young” and second is: “Side effects of antiviral hepatitis treatment”), one book with OMICS USA: “Tumour markers in hypertensive young patients“, one monograph (“High blood pressure in the young an ignored problem?!”) and two chapter books–Cardiovascular disease: Causes, Risks, Management CVD1- Causes of Cardiovascular Disease 1.5,1.6, USA on Amazon.