Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome

Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1017

+44 1478 350008

The relationship between dietary patterns and incidence of type 2 diabetes

Joint Event on 11th World Congress on Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders and 2nd International Conference on Thyroid & Pregnancy

September 03-04, 2018 Auckland, New Zealand

Sayed Mohsan Hosseini


Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Endocrinol Metab Syndr

Abstract :

Introduction: Increasing rate of type 2 diabetes prevalence during the recent years has caused concern about significant risks for the public health. Dietary patterns have recently attracted great attention in evaluation of the relationship between diet and health. Dietary patterns may affect health more than certain nutrients or nutritional groups. Also, it is easier for people to comprehend health recommendations as dietary patterns. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 315 subjects (125 newly diagnosed cases and 190 controls); 18-60 years of age were selected. A valid semi- quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used to collect dietary intakes of subjects. Anthropometric characteristics and blood pressure were measured with standard instructions and body mass index (BMI) and waist to hip ratio (W/H) were calculated. Factor analysis was used to identify major food patterns. Relationship between major food patterns and diabetes type 2 was assessed by logistic regression analysis. Results: Three dietary patterns were identified: Rich in legumes, Western-like and Traditional dietary patterns. There was a significant relationship between lower intake of dietary pattern rich in legumes and increased risk of diabetes in the unadjusted model (OR:16.07, 95% CI: 8.07-32.01) and in the adjusted models. The lowest level of adherence to traditional dietary pattern, both in the crude model (OR:2.6, 95% CI: 1.48-4.59) and adjusted models, increased the risk of T2D significantly. while westernlike pattern did not show any significant relationship with the risk of T2D. Discussion: This study found an inverse relationship between adherence of Rich in legumes pattern and Traditional pattern and the risk of T2D. Key words: Dietary patterns, Type 2 diabetes, Factor analysis, Incidence

Biography :

E-mail: s.beigrezaei93@yahoo.com

