Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-6488

+44 1223 790975

The role of family members in healing from PTSD

World Conference on Addiction Psychiatry - July 06, 2022 | Webinar

July 06, 2022 | Webinar

Hissa Mohammed

Medical Radiography from College of the North Atlantic, Qatar

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Alcohol Drug Depend

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: Post-traumatic stress disorder in teenagers is developed because of the association of childhood trauma with the overall identity of an individual. It is a chronic disorder which causes distinct distress to the social and educational functioning of children. According to a study published in 2019 by The Guardian, one in 13 teenagers has experienced PTSD (Davis, 2019). Further, a study conducted in 2012 has reported that the children are likely to report a long-term psychological post-traumatic trauma if they are exposed to scarring traumatic events (Trickeyet al., 2012). According to Yule and Smith, by the age of 18, the majority of children are exposed to traumatic events which might lead to the development of severe PTSD in a minority group. The same study indicated that family members play a crucial role in the healing of children who are exposed to traumatic events. Interventions, in such scenarios, are recommended along with cognitive therapy in order to help the children understand the depth of what they are suffering from and how they can recover from it (Yule & Smith, 2015). As per a 2019 study, the children who are exposed to war and absolute violence which surfaces in the aftermath of war are far more sensitive and can develop severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The report further examines those chronic adverse conditions like unsupportive family environments that can lead to a further increase in trauma (Karma et al., 2019). Thus, it can be understood that a healthy family environment becomes one of the prominent factors in the ways in which traumatized children can heal and recover from their trauma and if they do not receive such an environment, they might suffer more because of the constant triggers which are generated in an uncaring and unloving environment. However, it should also be considered that not all children are fortunate enough to have a healthy family growing up, numerous children suffer from childhood abuse which begins in their own house and where they have nowhere to run. The existence of childhood abuse leads to extended PTSD in teenagers as they grow up.

Biography :

Hissa Mohammed is instructor of Medical Radiography. Prior that, she was radiology Supervisor in HMC from 2017 to December 2020. In addition, she has 8 years’ work experience as a radiology technologist. Her educational background includes Master of Science in Medical Imaging from University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom. She has bachelor in Diagnostic Radiography from Queen Margaret University in UK. And she has Diploma in Medical Radiography from College of the North Atlantic – Qatar.
