Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

The role of men in the prevention of female genital mutilation/cutting (fgm/c) among the Sudanese population in Nottingham- A small-scale qualitative study

World Congress on Midwifery, Maternal Health and Gynecology

July 26-27, 2021 WEBINAR

Mark Hayford Dwira

University of Nottingham, England

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Women’s Health Care

Abstract :

Background: Due to gender inequality in the campaign against cultural-related practises like FGM/C, there is a notion that the practise is considered a feminist agenda, and therefore, it is women's responsibility to champion the practise prevention. This ignores the roles that men can play in preventing FGM/C in practising communities in the UK. This research explored how men can use their roles as fathers, husbands, community leaders, and faith leaders to help prevent FGM/C among Sudanese immigrants in Nottingham. Methods: Data used for this small-scale qualitative study was obtained using semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with 11 men, and was thematically analysed. The research situated within a radical feminist theoretical context of The Silences Framework and Post-Feminist Theory. Results: This research revealed that men's roles (as fathers, husbands, community leaders, and faith leaders) are deep-rooted and related to their dominance and decision-making power that could prevent the decision to circumcise daughters within the Sudanese community. Moreover, the study revealed that the involvement of men as principal educators could give them the forum to discuss the effects of FGM/C practise openly among themselves (young and old), particularly with those married to women with FGM/C from the Sudanese community. Finally, the study revealed that men's assumption of the whistle-blower role from each family might increase people's knowledge of UK FGM/C laws and to encourage reporting of suspected FGM/C cases among people from practising communities living in Nottingham. This could help protect girls and women at risk of experiencing FGM/C. Conclusion: This study suggests that policymakers and stakeholders, such as the National Health Services (NHS), who have so far largely ignored the role of men in addressing FGM/C, need to prioritise men's inclusion in their policy planning of any prospective FGM/C-related interventions. Further research is required to understand how aspects of masculinity, which could be interpreted at one level to embody power and genderauthority assumptions, are mobilised in a constructive way to examine the roles men can play in preventing FGM/C in the UK.

Biography :

Mark Hayford Dwira was graduated from the University of Education and Nottingham Trent University in Ghana and the United Kingdom with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health and Sanitation Education and a Master of Art in Public Health. His research interests include Gender Equality, Nursing Education, Public Health and Reproductive Health, Health Promotion.
