ISSN: 2161-0932
Jan Tesarik
MARGen Clinic, Spain
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Gynecol Obstet
Hysteroscopy is a technique used to accurately detect different abnormalities of the uterine cavity, such as polyps, submucosal myomas or innate abnormalities of the uterus. To perform a conventional hysteroscopy, a rigid device carrying an optical system must be inserted into the cavity. Although, in recent years, these devices have become finer, there is always a risk that manipulation within the uterine cavity may cause adverse reactions of the immune system, especially in women with a predisposition. In 2015-2016, Dr. Jan Tesarik with his colleagues from the MAR&Gen Clinic developed a virtual sonographic hysteroscopy (VSH) technique that is based on recording a video using a special ultrasound probe inserted into the vagina. The images obtained are then processed by a computer program to reconstruct high-resolution three-dimensional images. The description of the VSH technique was published in 2017 (Tesarik J. et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017; 216:188.e1.). VSH avoids any contact of diagnostic probes with the interior of the uterine cavity. Quite recently, a multicenter study, coordinated by Dr. Tesarik (Vitale S.G. et al. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2022; 156:112-118), has shown that the routine performance of VSH before the first assisted reproduction attempt significantly reduces the total cost per baby born in three clinical scenarios: in vitro fertilization after ovarian stimulation, frozen embro transfer, and oocyte donation.
Dr. Jan Tesarik obtained his MD degree in 1979 and PhD in 1982. He realized the world´s first successful Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer (GIFT), in 1982, and the first childbirths after oocyte fertilization with round spermatids (ROSI) and with in-vitro cultured elongating spermatids (ELSI), in 1995 and 1998, respectively. He developed several original virtual imaging endoscopy techniques, based on ultrasound scan, including virtual hysteroscopy. He is author of 406 scientific papers. He worked at the American Hospital of Paris (France). At present he is Director of MARGen (Molecular Asssisted Reproduction and Genetics) Clinic in Granada (Spain).