Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4541

+44 1300 500008

The social aspects is the key for renewable energy investments in Arab countries

2nd International Congress and Expo on Biofuels & Bioenergy

August 29-31, 2016 Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mohammed Al Ta ani

Jordanian Renewable Energy Society JRES GM &Arab Renewable energy commission GM, Jordan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Fundam Renewable Energy App

Abstract :

Energy is an essential element for all industrial and socio economic developments, where the total energy demand is distributed among industry, transportation, domestic household, heating & air conditioning and electricity generation. The global energy sources consist of traditional unsustainable energy sources (oil, cool, gas, etc) and sustainable renewable energies (wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, etc) as durable and clean source of energy, while nuclear energy is still a viable energy option. Due to the spiking of oil prices and economic crisis, most of the industrial countries have designed economical recovery packages, which include â�?�?green stimulusâ�? measures.The Arab countries, both consumers and decision makers are facing many challenges in adopting RE & energy efficiency (EE) in their energy policies, such as low awareness and lack of know how. Despite the energy map target of 10% - 20% of the total energy demand from RE by 2020, the potentials and benefits of RE are still not well recognized. The future Arab Renewable Energy Commission (AREC), which was announced and promoted by Jordan Renewable Energy Society (JRES) during the recent â�?�?Global Green Technologies Forum 2010, is intended to work towards facilitating and promoting the culture of RE and will support the development and use of RE in all ways of life. The social aspects are the key for RE investment in the Arab countries and at least the factors are essential to be in consideration to find a real market of RE &EE in the Area: The proper use of energy with main dependence on RE and EE will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse effects. It is of paramount importance to concentrate more on green cultures, green economies, green energies, green generation and green buildings â�?�?the 6Gsâ�? with smart solutions of EWE grid solutions. â�?¢ Local development â�?¢ Public involvement and participation â�?¢ Economic development and Job creation â�?¢ Green transportation (reduce footprint) â�?¢ Behavioral change â�?¢ Green Generation (ex. Madrasati initiative) â�?¢ Pilot project (JRES Eco Houses) The proper use of energy with main dependence on RE and EE will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse effects. It is of paramount importance to concentrate more on green cultures, green economies, green energies, green generation and green buildings â�?�?the 6Gsâ�? with smart solutions of EWE grid solutions.

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