Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology

Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology
Open Access

ISSN: 2157-7048


The use of educational software Modellus to increase the education of mass and energy balance in the course of chemical engineering

International Conference on Chemical Engineering

September 12-14, 2016 Phoenix, USA

Yan Pedro Ulrich Mendes Ferreira

State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Chem Eng Process Technol

Abstract :

Neves et al. (2009) state that the teaching of chemistry due to a highly experimental context, presents abstract content difficult to understand and visualize, and has followed a traditional approach, sometimes described as mechanics, which, according to students, makes the class uninteresting and complex, especially in solving calculations involving mass and energy balances in the context of chemical engineering. From this perspective, the use of educational software has been a good addition to classes taught by teachers, as it stimulates different directions at the same time, as the context and questioning can encourage students to seek new knowledge. For this purpose, combustion of ethane was simulated using residual current combustion in a heater, in order to obtain water vapor using software Modellus. This software stands out for being governed by a simple mathematical model and teaching to be made, displaying graphs and numerical dynamic results accurately and also allow the creation of animations, making it extremely feasible to simulate the mass balance in ethane. The combustion calculating the composition of the output current as a function of such variables, as amount of alimantado ethane, excess air, percentage conversion and self reduction in the ratio CO/ CO2. This stream is sent to a heater where its temperature is raised to a value T being defined in matem�¡tico model, thus enabling the realization of energy balance and thus the calculation of the amount of heat Q that should be supplied to the heater. Therefore, the modeling provides students a kind of laboratory in their classroom, an environment generated by the software, which displays in "real time" system behavior before each change, motivating students, promoting the expansion of capacity cognitive enhancing their theoretical knowledge, enabling the expansion of practical knowledge and the free interaction between students and their teachers.

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